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EA thinks lootboxes are "ethical"


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I'm most disappointed in the consumers really. Going so far as to call them consumers instead of gamers.. ,)


Staff member
The most lenient comparison you can make with lootboxes is physical trading cards, but even then, physical trading cards are physical and are obviously not dependent on a company or service surviving to retain value, and also, usually at least one rare card is guaranteed per booster pack. Or at least they were back when I was young.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
The most lenient comparison you can make with lootboxes is physical trading cards, but even then, physical trading cards are physical and are obviously not dependent on a company or service surviving to retain value, and also, usually at least one rare card is guaranteed per booster pack. Or at least they were back when I was young.
Not to mention that in some cases the values for cards can increase, and more often than not there are alternative ways to get the card/s you're after


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
I think the strongest case for the lootboxes being "ethical" is that there is nothing forcing a consumer at gunpoint to buy them. In that case, the games become unethical, because they will design the mechanics to either entice or necessitate players buy the lootboxes.