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Downloading Steam Workshop Mods Without An Account or The Steam Client


Staff member

I'll attach the program below as well in case for whatever fucking reason they pull the download. Works on Windows 7. Haven't tried Linux yet. Just paste the workshop file URL into the 3rd dialog box, hit Auto-find home page or whatever, and then hit Download. The Auto-find button may be greyed out for some reason when it appears. Just ignore this and click it anyway. The program can do a lot more than that as well, but you can figure all that stuff out for yourself I'm sure. You're big boys and girls. Also keep in mind, of course, you'll need to place the files downloaded into the appropriate directory of your game.

If this is old news for everyone, I apologize. I'm much more saving this for future reference than anything.

(DO NOT TRUST ATTACHMENTS BY DEFAULT. Use VirusTotal at least to quickly scan the files.)

As I understand it, it won't allow you to download every games mods, since Valve restricted access. https://old.reddit.com/r/swd_io/comments/uy55qg/we_are_no_longer_serving_any_files_through_our/ .. So unless you have a steamDRM account, or the game allows this download through the steamworkshop system. In that case, you could just as well use the OG: https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ or any of the alternatives: http://steamworkshop.download/ & https://ggntw.com/steam ..Though you'd still be supporting steamDRM's monopoly situation. They also remove non-woke mods, as do Nexus and ModDB. Much better to use any of the alternative mod sites like https://rentry.org/Non-NewtonianMods & https://schaken-mods.com/ & https://rpghq.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=26-game-mods-tweaks & https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page & https://modhq.org/ & https://basedmods.eth.limo/browse/ & https://www.playground.ru/
As I understand it, it won't allow you to download every games mods, since Valve restricted access. https://old.reddit.com/r/swd_io/comments/uy55qg/we_are_no_longer_serving_any_files_through_our/ .. So unless you have a steamDRM account, or the game allows this download through the steamworkshop system. In that case, you could just as well use the OG: https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ or any of the alternatives: http://steamworkshop.download/ & https://ggntw.com/steam ..Though you'd still be supporting steamDRM's monopoly situation. They also remove non-woke mods, as do Nexus and ModDB. Much better to use any of the alternative mod sites like https://rentry.org/Non-NewtonianMods & https://schaken-mods.com/ & https://rpghq.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=26-game-mods-tweaks & https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page & https://modhq.org/ & https://basedmods.eth.limo/browse/ & https://www.playground.ru/

Keep in mind, the downloader I linked allows you to use different download providers to download the file. SteamCMD is the default and is the officially supported (by Steam) method. It works for the majority of cases, but for those few games that don't allow it, you can use a different download provider like the SteamWebAPI or the Nether API.
I really wish there was something like this for Nexus mods, or a site that just copies the files they have and makes them available to the public.

I hate the near-monopoly Nexus has on the modding community, especially since they've taken it upon themselves to be the self-appointed moral censors of the modding community.

I'm not looking for mods that were deleted, just the regular mods that they already have but aren't uploaded elsewhere.
I really wish there was something like this for Nexus mods, or a site that just copies the files they have and makes them available to the public.

I hate the near-monopoly Nexus has on the modding community, especially since they've taken it upon themselves to be the self-appointed moral censors of the modding community.

I'm not looking for mods that were deleted, just the regular mods that they already have but aren't uploaded elsewhere.

Agreed wholeheartedly. We need a Free Speech pirate site for mods.

I have an account on Nexus, though I haven't used it since the censorship began. That doesn't matter though, since they've now completely gone for google chromium compatibility only. I can do many things on the site, but not change the results page from #1 or download mods. The Slow Download button just don't accept clicks.

I do have a steam account as well, but only for the now borked wishlist "feature". I won't be downloading their google-infested client either.

These two do indeed have a near monopoly on the mod scene, and remove non-politically correct mods and users.
I really wish there was something like this for Nexus mods, or a site that just copies the files they have and makes them available to the public.

I hate the near-monopoly Nexus has on the modding community, especially since they've taken it upon themselves to be the self-appointed moral censors of the modding community.

I'm not looking for mods that were deleted, just the regular mods that they already have but aren't uploaded elsewhere.

Unfortunately, the best thing to do seems to be for me to just make a public account and then give out the credentials for it. Maybe I might be missing a particular program out there, but yeah, this seems the easiest solution.

Sanctuary delivers. <3
They might have "you logged in from a different location. Account sharing! Banned!" or some other sort of prevention mechanisms in place, such as sending a code to an email address.

I wonder what would stop someone with an account from downloading and then re-hosting the mods elsewhere.
Maybe they'd say "you've downloaded 100 mods already this month, now you need to pay for Premium!"

What if someone with a Premium account did that? Would they stop them?

I'm sure they have rate limits and things in place to prevent bots from scraping their site, but if humans just go and scrape the site by legitimately downloading mods, then over time one would probably have a sizeable collection.
They might have "you logged in from a different location. Account sharing! Banned!" or some other sort of prevention mechanisms in place, such as sending a code to an email address.

Well, we're going to find out here I guess.

EDIT: I decided to put this in a dedicated and stickied thread here.
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