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Adventures on the dark web using TOR


I loaded up Tails on a usb stick and got my janky laptop and decided to go looking on the dark web to see if I could buy a new US identity or at least a social security number. First I came to the hidden wiki and browsed around. Then I looked up how reputable it was. It wasn't. Then I read that dark.fail was reputable. Then I read it was hacked and used for phishing. Then I heard they moved over to dark.pe. But dark.fail is still up? But it gets better. The links provided by dark.fail and dark.pe don't match at all.

Where am I gonna go aftr this? lmao I've spent an hour on TOR already and I can't even confirm a reputable site. Gonna get raped by LEO or phished I guess.


Staff member
Unfortunately, I'm just a normal law abiding citizen and I've never messed around with that stuff.
Yeah, I wouldn't really know either. Can't say I'm surprised at all though. The only site on the dark web I ever heard about was the Silk Road, and that got nuked by the feds a while ago.

You could say I'm in the dark about this.


Aight. Scams scams everywhere. So many sites taken down over the years which just makes things hard to dig through. getting links is a real problem. Can't exactly report em to the police either.

Yes, officer, this website i tried to buy heroin and guns from scammed me.

I think I have uncovered a few nice links though. Not verified or anything. Don't get phished or jailed. lol At least poke em with a stick first or something.

Ahmia TOR Search Engine: http://juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion
ARES Marketplace: http://sn2sfdqay6cxztroslaxa36covrhoowe6a5xug6wlm6ek7nmeiujgvad.onion

You could say I'm in the dark about this.
Bro no.


Staff member
Bro, YES.

But yeah, though TORKid already said it, I'd really like to reiterate to everyone to be real careful with this shit. Tails is definitely the way to go here and it'll get you pretty far, but if you wanna do anything more than just browse around then you're gonna have to take extra precautions.

Did a bit of poking around as instructed as my curiosity was piqued. I'm not an expert here, but I definitely CAN say any site that tells you to just, wow, buy Bitcoin on coinbase bruh, is either a scammer, a fed or fucking retarded. If there's a trail at ALL leading to a bank account linked to your actual credentials, you're fucked. And that is the rule of thumb that I can glean from this so far. Do NOT leave trails. Have a delivery address away from where you actually live. That sort of thing.

Also, TORKid, make sure you're not posting affiliate links or whatever. No advertising without permission.


Bitcoin was never anonymous. Anyone who was able to procure and utilize it without linking real-world identities was one just one lucky fella.

About TOR. Just another means of transport that *theoretically* anonymizes the client and/or server. Does not mean there is not dumb people peddling scams there - but that goes for anywhere.


Staff member
Bitcoin was never anonymous. Anyone who was able to procure and utilize it without linking real-world identities was one just one lucky fella.

About TOR. Just another means of transport that *theoretically* anonymizes the client and/or server. Does not mean there is not dumb people peddling scams there - but that goes for anywhere.
After watching some vids, I would say it's definitely more than theoretical, but obviously, if you give out your damn address to anyone who asks, TOR isn't gonna do anything to help you. Don't leave trails.