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Should we curate threads?


Staff member
We've had the Official Content Listings sub-forum for a long while, and until now, it's not something I gave too much thought to, but now I'm wondering if keeping such a forum around is justified or not. And if it is, should we have a curated sub-forum for every sub-forum? On one hand, we don't know what our users will find valuable or not, but on the other hand, the site search is always available and the sub-forums easily able to be ignored.

As time goes on, I'm tending to think of Sanctuary more and more as not just a great place for discussion, questions, and debate, but also as a sort of expansive exotic library. And if we consider libraries presently, almost all of them have a "Pathfinders" section for each broad topic which gives recommendations depending on what the librarians have vetted and personally approved. So... What do you guys think then?
Or you could just pin relevant threads, instead of adding yet more sub-forums
Or you could just pin relevant threads, instead of adding yet more sub-forums

Bruh, there are over 100 threads in Official Content Listings alone. That's a shitload of pinned threads. But regardless, we already do pin threads as needed.
What is a "curated" sub-form?
A forum where you put threads you like, or threads that you make to be "official"?
I dunno, it seems kind of prideful to think that people want to see a "Arnox's favorites" list.
I dunno, it seems kind of prideful to think that people want to see a "Arnox's favorites" list.


I'm very open to suggestions. As I said, I do see some value in a curated threads list of some kind, but I also want to keep things fair and balanced.