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I am sick of faggot lefties pretending to be blue collar

Dale Gribble

In the recent years, things like carhart, realtree, and other work wear, including overalls, has become cool so to speak . Faggot lefties who have never worked a real job a day in their life co opted these things and pretend to be blue collar and role play white trash and poverty. As an actual white trash poverty stricken redneck, you look ridiculous. Any redneck or blue collar man can see right through you. You're walking around in public wearing overalls made by vans, you look like an idiot. You put on your realtree jacket and order a vegan meal, in an attempt to, what? Be more relatable? Be cool? Pretend you've ever worked a day in your life? You're a retard. And of course if you saw a rebel flag you'd blow your lid. Fuck you
One of the things I'm rather worried about is, if we really want to bring back the US' original manufacturing and trades capacity, how are we going to incentivize that for workers? Back then, people were a lot more used to working in physical labor positions, but now... I dunno. The trades now already pay a ton with a ton of work freedom as well to sweeten the deal, but even so, we still aren't seeing people rushing to those positions exactly. We spent so long as a country telling kids to avoid such positions. If you got a physical labor job, it was seen as a lower position. Less valuable. Like you failed somehow. Maybe attitudes are now slowly shifting away from that, but regardless, it's something to think about.
One of the things I'm rather worried about is, if we really want to bring back the US' original manufacturing and trades capacity, how are we going to incentivize that for workers? Back then, people were a lot more used to working in physical labor positions, but now... I dunno. The trades now already pay a ton with a ton of work freedom as well to sweeten the deal, but even so, we still aren't seeing people rushing to those positions exactly. We spent so long as a country telling kids to avoid such positions. If you got a physical labor job, it was seen as a lower position. Less valuable. Like you failed somehow. Maybe attitudes are now slowly shifting away from that, but regardless, it's something to think about.
Arnox, you are smart. You know exactly how. Pay a decent wage.
What trades do you mean exactly? Around here it's hard to find a good trade job because so many people want them.

Aside from that the people I'm talking about have never sat in a deer stand or worked any kind of physical job, they're just champagnes socialists larping.
Arnox, you are smart.


I do my best.

You know exactly how. Pay a decent wage.

But as I just covered, many of the trades do pay a lot to an awful lot.

What trades do you mean exactly? Around here it's hard to find a good trade job because so many people want them.

Plumbing. HVAC technician. Electrician. Dock work. Marine occupations perhaps. Maybe you're just not in the right area though because there's a ton of areas that I know of that are absolutely screaming for good workers. In some areas, just getting the damn tradesman to SHOW UP on time and do the work they were hired for is an achievement, even if the quality of work itself is terrible.
Well, that's the nature of the trades. People addicted to drugs, people whi have been in prison, people with face tattoos generally populate the trades .