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Books to Rebuild Civilization With (v2.0)


Staff member

= Replaced the existing copy of "The Oxford History of the American People" with a FAR better copy of it. The earlier version of it was utterly butchered.
= Fixed some minor typos and mistakes in the "README" and "Current Problems in the US Government" files.
- Removed all the useless "Thumbs.db" files left over by Windows.
+ Added a new national US map that is much clearer and doesn't look like it has Vaseline rubbed all over it, and also added new individual maps for all 50 states that are of much better quality as well. The old atlases are still kept though as they do still have maps of Canada and Mexico and other miscellaneous bits of information others might still want.
+ Added "FM 31-21 1969 Special Forces Operations"
+ Added "TC 3-22.20 2010 Army Physical Readiness Training"
Notes: N/A

Sorry for all those who downloaded v1.0. This should be the definitive version.
Bump. The book "Writing Guide with Handbook" by OpenStax is being brought into question for having a lot of... "Inclusivity." Lots of left-biased language in certain sections. Some of the stuff in it such as certain methods of analysis are very good and are methods I use myself, but the inclusion of such bias brings this work into doubt.

This isn't the first time I've discarded a book from OpenStax as well. Their US history text left a few too many things to be desired and was quickly replaced by Samuel's much more authoritative and definitive Oxford work.