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"Your topics are in bad taste!"


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
Do goblins count?
Maybe? Depends if they passed a kindergarten level of education... Ooooh, I see. "Maybe" you have seen some hot midgets!


Sanctuary legend
Depends if they passed a kindergarten level of education...
Can goblins even be that smart? I thought they were always a little limited, intellectually. That's why it's okay to kill them.

An attractive goblin is also a smart goblin that understands what sex is.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
Can goblins even be that smart? I thought they were always a little limited, intellectually. That's why it's okay to kill them.

An attractive goblin is also a smart goblin that understands what sex is.
If they can make explosives to be Goblin Sappers in Warcraft, I'm sure they can count so they know when things explode.