• For our 10th anniversary on May 9th, 2024, we will be giving out 15 GB of free, off-shore, DMCA-resistant file storage per user, and very possibly, public video hosting! For more details, check a look at our roadmap here.

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What's Going On With Sanctuary Videos


Staff member
I had Houseman record another narrative about the whole YouTube situation but I quickly found out before I finalized the video that Dailymotion... Kinda sucks. Like, a lot. This made a lot of what I wrote down already outdated and wrong, so I decided I'm just going to paste the relevant parts here instead.

On June 1st, I had just finished a video for Sanctuary and was going to start uploading it to YouTube when suddenly, tragedy struck! Or should I say, it was Google. Google struck. You see, I had a different IP address at the time, and as a natural security measure, Google wanted to verify that it was really me signing onto the account. They sent me a confirmation email with a code to input into YouTube. Ok. Perfectly normal.

Except... I didn’t get the email, which is to say, I got it, but MUCH later. I’m talking like a day and a half later. Ugh. Fine. Maybe it was a fluke. So I try to sign in again. They detect a different IP again. Send a confirmation email again. But I didn’t get that one either. Shortly after a few more repeated attempts of this, I get locked out of my own account. Mind you, I put in the email and password correctly. But because I didn’t have the code one too many times, they shut me out completely. Because... Security? Who knows.

All in all, this is the straw that broke the camel’s back for me as, even if this wasn’t an issue, YouTube has been getting more and more notorious for letting copyright takedowns and demonetization run absolutely rampant, and though none of Sanctuary’s videos are monetized, the rampancy of false takedowns alone is pretty inexcusable. But anyway, after this, as you know, I switched over to Bitchute, but right now, I'm dealing with a weird issue of the site massively downgrading the video resolution of my videos. I've sent in an email about it and am now awaiting a response.

This really blows... I'm gonna look some more for a good YouTube alternative, but to be honest, I don't think one exists. And if I can't solve Bitchute's weird issue of downgrading video quality, then... I don't know. I may just stop making videos. But anyway. That's what's going on with that. Kind of a sad point in Sanctuary history where we can't even upload videos reliably anymore.


Staff member
If it's a talking video..does resolution really matter?
Technically no, but I'd much rather my videos didn't look like they were recorded on a flip phone. XD I started out with a 516 MB file with the Pollack video. Bitchute cut it all the way down... To a little less than 30 MB.

Good news though, everyone! After some more digging, I started finding a plethora of viable options. Let me know if you have any comments on any of these. I really need help digging through this list.

Internet Archive
BitChute (Currently in use.)