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What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory you actually believe in?

Dale Gribble

For me, I believe the media, as in the cultural zeitgeist, news, movies, music, tik tok etc, exists as a platform to push certain ideals and manufacture consent. Have you ever thought to yourself, how is this insane thing normal? Let's use all ages drag shows as an example. 20 years ago people would call you insane for even suggesting such a thing. How did we get here? By manufacturing consent through the cultural zeitgeist. It's no secret almost every website uses some kind of algorithm to show you content. It's one giant psyop.

Anyway, thats mine and I can explain more if anyone is interested. What's yours?
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For me, I believe the media, as in the cultural zeitgeist, news, movies, music, tik tok etc, exists as a platform to push certain ideals and manufacture consent.

I kinda believe in this but to a much more scattered degree. Many of them have their own agendas. Some of them compete. Some of them don't care. Etc.

For me, the unhinged conspiracy theory I believe is probably... Well not super unhinged, but that our phones are constantly listening in on us. But it's done by big corporations and the data is used for advertising, though I'm sure federal agencies are also demanding access to that data too, assuming they're not doing the same thing.

And speaking of federal agencies, the CIA is very probably watching this website. In that thread, we keep getting randos talking about Bustamante with eerily detailed government explanations and stories. Funnily enough, I actually would really like to have a discussion with one of them about this site in general.
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I believe that too. Especially social media is for sale to the highest bidder, and it's just a botting competition to see who can manipulate public opinion the most.

It's not unhinged at all. It's downright reasonable.

But here's a good one: https://intosanctuary.com/index.php?threads/conspiracy-theory-videos.1227/#post-12525

Okay here's a totally insane one. Parasites are demons and all of the seven mortal sins relates to parasites. A lot of OT law is to prevent you from getting parasites. Unless you "deworm" yourself you have parasites and they are affecting your behavior.

The sandy hook thing is super sketch. Did you ever see Adam lanzas online accounts?
I kinda believe in this but to a much more scattered degree. Many of them have their own agendas. Some of them compete. Some of them don't care. Etc.

For me, the unhinged conspiracy theory I believe is probably... Well not super unhinged, but that our phones are constantly listening in on us. But it's done by big corporations and the data is used for advertising, though I'm sure federal agencies are also demanding access to that data too, assuming they're not doing the same thing.

And speaking of federal agencies, the CIA is very probably watching this website. In that thread, we keep getting randos talking about Bustamante with eerily detailed government explanations and stories. Funnily enough, I actually would really like to have a discussion with one of them about this site in general.

This is 100% true, but what happens Is the nsa collects all the data and sells it off.
Okay here's a totally insane one. Parasites are demons and all of the seven mortal sins relates to parasites. A lot of OT law is to prevent you from getting parasites. Unless you "deworm" yourself you have parasites and they are affecting your behavior.

That's technically not a conspiracy theory, just a spiritual belief. A conspiracy theory involves a group working as one for some clandestine purpose.
I don't have my red pins with me, so all I can say is Marxs/Engels, Frankfurt. Lenin/Giovanni, Russia/Italy. Hitler/Stalin, Germany/USSR. Fall of USSR, Bezmenov. Mao. Presently; CCP, Belt & Road & Blackrock/Vanguard unholy alliance for 1WG, aided by Big Tech/FAANG/GAFAM.
Marx - jew
Frankfurt - founded and funded by jews
Lenin - jew
Stalin - jew

Besides that, I think it's just too obvious. It's like a distraction. Wouldn't it be smarter to make you think that's the goal, while the whole time every nation is just a puppet nation? Go to war for no reason, make up laws that don't really matter in the long run?
Marx - jew
Frankfurt - founded and funded by jews
Lenin - jew
Stalin - jew

Besides that, I think it's just too obvious. It's like a distraction. Wouldn't it be smarter to make you think that's the goal, while the whole time every nation is just a puppet nation? Go to war for no reason, make up laws that don't really matter in the long run?

Engels? Giovanni? Hitler? Mao? Where they Jews too? ..you can't just see what you want to see. You follow the leads forward. You don't work backwards from an assumption.