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Starting Over: A FOSS proposal for a new type of OS for a new type of computer -Liam Proven


Technophiliacs & Technophiles


Technophiliacs & Technophiles
That would be cool, but to my understanding it's not even clear if such processors will work at this point. Only a lot of research dollars from a very rich company or VC can really change that. (And people wonder why Intel's always begging for handouts...)

That's what I like most about this proposal. Resurrecting the Smalltalk Machine is something a random collection of strangers on the internet could conceivably get done on their own, akin to how Linux exploded. Even down to building new instruction sets, today's mature emulators and FPGAs make prototyping available on a shoestring budget. Our industry's been way more uniform than it needs to be for way too long. People like to say the 8-bit era or so was the Cambrian Explosion of the computer world, but surely there's even more potential material out there for at least as big of an explosion today?