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"Piracy (copyright infrigement) is a Crime Against Humanity"


Bit of old news, but I just read that Brazil's minister of justice said that piracy (in the copyright sense) is a crime against humanity. Quite funny, as, given how the public employees around here operate (from connivance to directly profiting, with the usual misdirection to keep the appearances), that would probably put Brazil in the same level as Nazi Germany - if not worse.

If only other countries would pay attention and do something about it...

/rant off


I mentioned the book "The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers" in other thread. Here are some words by the author that I found quite amusing:

1. I'd rather burn these books than let that [loss of royalties] happen.

2. There are several places I will not send [a physical copy] to. The entirety of the South American and African continents, because copies went missing last time.

3. There will never, ever be a Kindle edition of Volume 3. Ever.

The claims about digital being easy money, or the future of the industry, or anything else, are all lies.

My intense hatred for digital would require a considerably longer update which I don't have the inclination to type. But to summarise: the very real cost in terms of TIME, and ENERGY, and MONEY, and how much I must PAY TO AMAZON, all massively outstrip the roughly 100 (one hundred) digital copies which I sold. Due to the size of the books I actually have to pay Amazon for every copy sold - every time you buy Volume 1, for example, I am charged a $1.18 delivery fee. Because of all the text and the images. And the profit margin sucks because, again, I need to split it with Amazon and no one wants to pay a lot for a download anyway.

Digital is only worthwhile when you produce a 500 kilobyte pure text book, no images, and you sell a million copies. Not when your download is 10 MEGABYTES and you sell roughly one copy per week.

So stop asking about digital. It was a waste of time and I'm angry with myself for being taken in by claims of success and those hilarious Futurama gifs of Fry saying "Take my money", because it quite literally never happened.

When I made the digital free for a couple of days, THOUSANDS lined up for it, but no one actually could be bothered to - you know - buy the damned things. The print versions outsell the digital by an enormous ratio. Digital is genuinely worthless. Oh, and pirates have had a field day spreading the digital copies everywhere. I wasted five years of my life, which I will never ever get back, and people would rather steal a digital copy than pay what is the equivalent of like two cups of coffee for the digital? None of my words are printable.

I would rather put my efforts into licensing out excerpts to other publishers, which has actually proven to be a considerably more rewarding use of my time.

This is what I think of digital downloads:

(sources here)


Staff member
These threads look a little too intelligently written for the Chaos Realm. Also, I'm sure nobody is noticing them (because the site is too damn small). Do you mind if I move this thread to Technology?