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On Halo 3 Map Porting to ElDewrito


Staff member
So at the request of some people last night, I took a look at the porting tool (called TagTool) and some maps that were ported with an earlier build of the tool. Well, there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that I know now that Halo 3 map porting is VERY possible and most of the kinks have actually been worked out. The bad news though is only most of the kinks have been worked out. There's still some minor issues with a few major map textures and I think there might be some ambient sound issues as well. Also, all skyboxes are glitched to some degree.

Now, the build I got was an earlier version of TagTool, and I have yet to test the new version, but I don't think the results will be different. We'll see though! I'll update this thread once I figure out how to work the tool.


Staff member
UPDATE: Yeah, the TagTool hasn't really been updated lately in terms of the quality of the ports unfortunately. Kinda sucks, but at the same time, I'm starting to realize that we actually have most of the key maps already in ED 0.6.1 and Forge is insanely powerful now compared to what it was, so it's definitely not all bad.


Brother Sharp
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Cookmaster supreme
We no life Guardian on Slayer gamemode most of the time anyway.