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Let's talk briefly about lawbreakers


♪El mariachi fennec quiere bailar♪
So, today I decided to check on Lawbreakers just to take the piss on the game's forums check if there was anyone playing it and maybe considering to purchase it with the steam sale and whatnot.

However when I checked on it it would seem that the game has gone free to play (Making it a good choice for a hangout or event imo) and will close down in September for good.

I thought that it would be an interesting subject to talk about due to the multiple factors that influenced this, personally I would like to believe that just like Quake Champions the game had a hard time due to the sudden saturation of the market, but I believe there are other factors that contributed to this, the least of which being Cliffy B.

Edit: I should point out that Radical Heights has also gone the way of the free to play dodo.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
I can't watch the vids now, but I assumed it was a combination of the general public being retarded and not liking the best part of quake/UT combat, or it was a poorly pit together game that caused the game to fail. It's a shame, because the first time I saw a trailer for it i actually got excited a bit. That doesn't happen much.


Staff member
I actually had a talk about this in an earlier thread a lot like this one. In order to avoid sounding redundant, I'm gonna do a bit of copypasta.

Meanwhile, I'm STILL waiting for a good fucking Unreal Tournament '99 sequel, or a spiritual successor.

Not saying Lawbreakers wasn't fun. It looked like a ton of fun and it looks like they worked really hard on the core gameplay. It suffered from UT3 syndrome though. Where everything else around the gameplay kinda sucked. I just cannot believe that the head guy behind UT99 could be so clueless about the pure gold he struck with it. Cliff seems to keep forgetting everything that that game taught. Of all people.

Putting all that aside though, it sucks that they never really perfected Lawbreakers before they gave up on it.

Damn it, Blezinkski...
But yeah, for a great video on exactly why this didn't take off, look no further than here:


Long video though.