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In defense of Brutal Doom/Project Brutality...


Staff member
I don't know why this mod gets so much hate nowadays. This thread was spurred on by Yahtzee's retrospective review of Doom this week and his comment about the mod being made by some coked up kid got to me a bit. Now, one thing is true. The original creator of Brutal Doom isn't exactly the most polite person on the internet. From what I hear, he's supposed to a massive jerkwad. Regardless, the mod isn't the creator. The creator isn't the mod. You can like Brutal Doom without personally liking the creator.

As to its gameplay, I don't see anything wrong with it. It seems a very natural evolution from the Doom games of old. (Actually there is one thing. They gave the Doom Marine lines he says when picking up certain weapons, and it's just dumb as hell. I've disabled such in the mod files.) I think I should say though, I play Project Brutality which is an enhanced version of Brutal Doom by different creators. Even so though, much of my praise carries over to the standard mod.

So, is BD too easy? It can be. But then, classic Doom can be as well. Is it too hard? No. The zombies got a massive buff in attack power, but it's balanced out by your own abilities. Is it too gory? It's about as gory as Doom would be if it had the tech of today. And in any case, you can turn down the gore if you like, so the question is moot. Does it control bad? No. Standard shooter controls. Regenerating health? No. Two weapon restriction? No. Removed content? Quite the opposite. Focus on cover-based shooting? There's no cover mechanics. Lack of compatibility wth old content? It has full compatibility with old content. Bad sound? It has some of the most satisfying sounds I've heard. So what the fuck is so bad about it then?
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Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
First time I hear about any of these problems with the mod, but do you actually think people won't complain for the sake of complaining? There might be nothing wrong with it, but someone will always find something to nitpick about it for whatever reason that crosses their mind at that point.