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How to ACTUALLY Fix/Buy an Old Phat PS3 and Have It Work Reliably


Staff member

TL;DW - There was a TON of theories and myths put out about why the old PS3s were failing, but in the end, it turned out that old phat PS3s failed due mostly to how the old RSX chip was assembled. Transplanting an older 90nm RSX chip with a relatively much newer 40nm RSX chip found in many slim PS3s will bring an old PS3 back to life and also make it work reliably. These PS3s are called frankenstein PS3s or frankenPS3s. Other fixes are generally not recommended for one reason or another. Also, one last thing. The newer 65nm (but not newer than the 40nm) RSX chips were the last chips that could support the older firmware versions necessary for running Other OS (AKA Linux), but the 65nm chips are more questionable in their design as compared to the 40nm chips, so the buyer/fixer should be aware of that before using such chips.