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Censorship elsewhere on the internet


Sanctuary legend
This thread is for mocking censorship elsewhere on the internet:

I just came across (i.e. was involved in) something on reddit that I found hilarious, on several levels:


This post appeared on the front page of /r/all, which means it's displayed to a much wider audience than those who subscribe to the subreddit. I noticed it, and thought that it was suspicious. A user claims to have an ectopic pregnancy, which the user claims is 100% unviable, and that the only solution is an abortion. All the doctors seem to be disagreeing. Why would all these doctors be raising their eyebrows over something that their patient, the user, claims is so surely true? There's something fishy here.

So I do my favorite thing and sort by controversial, which shows you the most downvoted comments first, and I find things that are more likely to be less biased. I find a user claiming that, no, these types of pregnancies can be carried to term.

The user asks for proof, and then this happens:

To be fair, I think that these [censored within x seconds] ones are because the sub has an unofficial rule that if you've ever posted or commented, in any context, on a so-called "hate-subreddit" like KiA, The_Donald, or others, then anything you say will be removed instantly. Even so, I especially appreciate the aesthetics pictured here, where only the comments asking for clarification remain, while the other responses, presumably containing the proof requested, are all removed. Beyond that, it makes a statement all on its own. It could almost be framed, really.

If you find anything like this, or can recall an account offhand, post them here.


Staff member
This is kind of a famous one.



Although I don't agree at all about hacking into a server to get private celebrity pictures and then posting them all over 4chan, this does show that even 4chan, the internet's trash bin, isn't safe from US law.