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Boss Key Productions Shuts Down


Staff member

Meanwhile, I'm STILL waiting for a good fucking Unreal Tournament '99 sequel, or a spiritual successor.

Not saying Lawbreakers wasn't fun. It looked like a ton of fun and it looks like they worked really hard on the core gameplay. It suffered from UT3 syndrome though. Where everything else around the gameplay kinda sucked. I just cannot believe that the head guy behind UT99 could be so clueless about the pure gold he struck with it. Cliff seems to keep forgetting everything that that game taught. Of all people.

Putting all that aside though, it sucks that they never really perfected Lawbreakers before they gave up on it.

Damn it, Blezinkski...


That's unfortunate. LawBreakers seemed like it was up my alley, but by the time I learned of its existence, it was already pretty much dead in the water. Then Boss Key announced Radical Heights, another game in a genre that already had its market cornered by Fortnite, a move that pretty much reeked of last ditch desperation . I guess this news confirms that.

Also, wasn't Epic working on UT4? Haven't heard anything about that for a while. Although I'm assuming that got fridged in favor of Fortnite.


Staff member
Chimpzy said:
Haven't heard anything about that for a while. Although I'm assuming that got fridged in favor of Fortnite.
Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner.

I actually do understand that Fortnite needs a lot more internal support since the player counts are going through the roof, but FFS, are you really telling me you guys can't spare even some team members to start work again on UT4?

Also, this idea to make UT4 F2P was kind of crap. I would MUCH rather they just release another $60 UT sequel.


Sanctuary legend
Sad for the people that were employed at Boss Key, hope they'll all find a new job.

I remember seeing a trailer for LawBreakers a long time ago, it looked fun. Was the game that flawed, or was it overshadowed by other games, for example Overwatch?


bluegate said:
I remember seeing a trailer for LawBreakers a long time ago, it looked fun. Was the game that flawed, or was it overshadowed by other games, for example Overwatch?
Near as I can tell, aside from a glitch iin the PS4 version that could make it near unplayable, one of Lawbreakers 'flaws' is that it was pretty unyielding in being a skill-based shooter.

The game had a steep learning curve, almost 'git gud or get out'. Which is pretty daunting for new players, especially those that have no experience with this type of fast-paced, movement-based gameplay, like you had in UT or Quake. You're not doing well in Lawbreakers? Though luck, no fun for you. This is in stark contract to, say, Overwatch, which is designed such that unskilled players can still contribute and get their moments of glory. There originally also wasn't much of a progression system, so ailing players had nothing else to keep them engaged either.

And also, yeah, it got overshadowed by other games, like Overwatch, Destiny 2 and PUBG.


Staff member
bluegate said:
Sad for the people that were employed at Boss Key, hope they'll all find a new job.

I remember seeing a trailer for LawBreakers a long time ago, it looked fun. Was the game that flawed, or was it overshadowed by other games, for example Overwatch?
Size BBCode has been disabled due to abuse of it in the past. Since we've proven that we're all actually fucking adults here though, I might re-enable it.

Anyway though,


Watch that. It explains it pretty darn nicely.


Sanctuary legend
Chimpzy said:
bluegate said:
I remember seeing a trailer for LawBreakers a long time ago, it looked fun. Was the game that flawed, or was it overshadowed by other games, for example Overwatch?
Near as I can tell, aside from a glitch iin the PS4 version that could make it near unplayable, one of Lawbreakers 'flaws' is that it was pretty unyielding in being a skill-based shooter.

The game had a steep learning curve, almost 'git gud or get out'. Which is pretty daunting for new players, especially those that have no experience with this type of fast-paced, movement-based gameplay, like you had in UT or Quake. You're not doing well in Lawbreakers? Though luck, no fun for you. This is in stark contract to, say, Overwatch, which is designed such that unskilled players can still contribute and get their moments of glory. There originally also wasn't much of a progression system, so ailing players had nothing else to keep them engaged either.

And also, yeah, it got overshadowed by other games, like Overwatch, Destiny 2 and PUBG.
Arnox said:
bluegate said:
Sad for the people that were employed at Boss Key, hope they'll all find a new job.

I remember seeing a trailer for LawBreakers a long time ago, it looked fun. Was the game that flawed, or was it overshadowed by other games, for example Overwatch?
Size BBCode has been disabled due to abuse of it in the past. Since we've proven that we're all actually fucking adults here though, I might re-enable it.

Anyway though,

Watch that. It explains it pretty darn nicely.
That was informative!

As for the BBCode, only just now noticed that there's size bb code in my post... I didn't add that, looks like the editor did that somehow, for some reason :???:


♪El mariachi fennec quiere bailar♪
I wanted to go into the Steam Lawbreakers' forum yesterday to ask for a sequel, but it would seem like cliffy B (Masterfully portrayed below)

Closed down comments to game owners only, a shame too


Staff member
Guilion said:
I wanted to go into the Steam Lawbreakers' forum yesterday to ask for a sequel, but it would seem like cliffy B (Masterfully portrayed below)

Closed down comments to game owners only, a shame too
I like Cliff. I think he's a good guy and he means well. Too much pride though.

The victorious strategist only seeks to do battle only after the battle is won. Or something to that effect.