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Avengers Infinity War


Sanctuary legend
So, after 6 years of sitting on his Ass, Thanos has finally decided to rock up and wreck the MCU. Any thoughts on the Mad Titans super busy week of stone gathering?

Also, the Spoiler Tag should be used.

I thought it was pretty great. It was in abstract exactly what I expected, but the Movie still managed to suprise me. I've been waiting for this Movie since Iron Man 1 and I was not let down.

I gotta say, I thought Thanos was pretty great. At first glance, he could even come across as a noble being trying to save the Universe...until you remember that he is also incredibly cruel. So, at the end of the Day I don't buy it, pretty sure the whole angle is just what Thanos tell's himself. I imagine in the next Movie we'll end up seeing him as more straight up power hungry for the sake of it.

Having Thor and Hulk pummeled right at the beginning really sets the tone and immediantly tells you that Thanos is not fucking around, the Heros will be largely ineffective at combating him. A negative point is that despite the length of the Movie, it's still too many Characters to really do them Justice. Thanos "Children" are just kinda there, possibly with the exception of Ebony Maw...maybe Corvious Glaive (I think?). Though only Maw get's much chance for characterization beyond "badguy"...which is weird considering he's the first of them to bite the Dust. A lot of Characters don't really end up doing much aside from being present and with Wakanda being as present as it is, I think they should have released Black Panther earlier, these Movies shouldn't be running at the same time.

With the Ending, despite that it is obvious that those Characters are coming back (which is why I think that Marvel is fucking with us, this ending is there to set up the idea that there won't be consequences going forward so they can drop something big on us next Movie that sticks), I think they've set themselves up well. I'm currently hoping that Avengers 4 will actually pick up a few years later...it just took Time to pick up the pieces and find a way to do anything at all. But it could equally pick up immediantly after the last. Really, due to the nature of the Story, a lot of things can happen, which is why I personally am both excited...and annoyed that Avengers 4 is coming in a Year.


Sanctuary legend
I have been staying away from this movie as I read things about an Infinity War 2 coming in May 2019, how true is this?

Is Infinity War as it is now a complete package or will I be left wanting to see the second half of it when I finish it?


Sanctuary legend
Well. It's kinda hard to say. Without wanting to spoil too much, the overarching Story isn't complete. This still feels like a Story onto itself, but honestly, the next film could technically pick off where this one left off, I just don't see them doing it like that. Interviews with the Directors also suggest that, while they are strongly connected, these are seperate Stories onto themselves.

So, I'll put it this way, I didn't leave the Theater feeling disappointed or that the Story was cut off at a unnatural point. I did however come out wanting to see more. ;)

So, yes it is one overarching Story and while I will admit that this is speculation based on Interviews and my Interpretation of the Movie and larger Universe, I don't think this is 2 halves of one Story. More like 2 Stories in 1 Overarching Narrative.


Staff member
I was gonna edit your topic title to warn for spoilers but I guess since everything is under the spoiler tag right now, it's not needed.


I thought the ending was shit and I thought a ton of things didn't make sense. On top of that, Spider-Man has not matured, like, at all yet. He acts like a fucking 10-year-old. And I don't wanna hear. "Oh, well that's the point, Arnox." Doesn't make him any less annoying. Furthermore, the heroes didn't use any of the infinity stones except for Doctor Strange using it that ONE time. Admittedly a good use, but still, back to the ending. The writers now have to invent some massive deus ex machina and/or macguffin to bring everyone back and just... Really. This is bad storytelling.

Barring all of that, I still kind of liked it, believe it or not. Kind of.


Sanctuary legend
Arnox said:
Yeah, I figure what with the obvious spoiler bbcode that shouldn't be a problem.

In response

Actually they Used both Stones they had. It's just that Vision only really uses his to shoot a energy beam. I assume Strange didn't use the Time Stone beyond looking into the future because he didn't do so in the Future in which they win. I also assume Strange wouldn't really get much chance, especially since it seems like the Gauntlet at that point would potentially overpower the singular Stone. I means, Thanos punvhed his way out of the Mirror Realm, which is a parallel deminsion...

Also, while the gauntlet is fucked up, Thanos still used it afterwards. And they could also make another. The Gauntlet itself is only semi-special and the Stones are fine.