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ArenaNet and Jessica Price - An Excercise in Journalistic Sensationalism


Staff member
Here's a bullshit news story I found on this just yesterday night:

There are more like it, but for those who want the ACTUAL story, YongYea did a great video covering it all in depth.


The gist of it though is simple. Jessica Price posted a long tweet thread regarding narrative in MMOs. Pretty alright. An ArenaNet partner then responded (VERY POLITELY) that he disagreed with her but still said that he enjoyed reading it. And what followed right after that was a stream of totally uncalled for hostility against this poor guy and then she somehow managed to bring gender issues into this, even though they were in no way relevant at all. Then Mike O' Brien, her boss, got hold of all this and promptly fired her because of the public mess she caused. And that should have been that.

Nevertheless, as we can see above, that wasn't that, and it didn't stop some gaming news outlets from spinning this into a damn attack piece, as if Mike O' Brien and co. were somehow against all women in game development. And if you think I'm exaggerating, just read above. It's pretty ridiculous. Kotaku, Polygon, and others have also followed suit, and it's honestly just been pretty disgusting to watch. Weirdly enough though, Gamespot, an outlet once pounded in the past for being corrupt, has said pretty much nothing about it. I find that pretty interesting.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
GameSpot does suck, but I never thought they were on the same grade as polygon. Before gamergate, I was under the illusion that kotaku could pass as legitimate journalism, but I've rarely followed any publication. They all are crap in some way.

As for the current outrage, it's pretty unsurprising. Very much a "water is wet" kind of news. Though I'm happy to hear that arena fired the perpetrator in this case instead of letting her hide behind her gender. This wet water is lightly flavored with Kool-aid it seems.