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    lol wow everyone is trying to act like they didn't see that shit and know this site is run by ARNOX who is famous for banning users he disagrees with
  2. I'm a Jehovah's Witness! Ask me Anything!

    got some motherfucking XANAX lmfao
  3. got fired from my job at the laundromat

    good job, keep up the good work soldier
  4. How to have a discussion in a (hostile) online environment

    Edited by Arnox to contain the garbage.
  5. got fired from my job at the laundromat

    alright so i haven't been taking my meds at work so much lately and it's working out good my manager thought i was smoking crack for some reason lol fucking idiot

    i was unfairly silenced by arnox and banned for 24 hours for doing nothing but posting MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. i thought this site was supposed to be about free speech? this is just as bad as that hellhole newtotse and arnox is the same as HDL
  7. From your admin: Thank You

    ur welcome lmfao~!
  8. Bachelor food

    shoulda made some chocolate chip cookies instead~ lmfao~!!
  9. has anyone here actually gone to nature?

    I'm not sure, that's why I'm looking for suggestions. The terrain is generally mountainous and warm in the summer.
  10. has anyone here actually gone to nature?

    I was just wondering because I've never been out of the city so the idea seems strange to me lol but now that I got fired from my job at the laundromat I have some more time so I was thinking of going out to nature somewhere. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I should do? thx everyone...
  11. We need to make a decision...

    i voted yes because fuck those nis niggas lmfao
  12. F.E.A.R. Retrospective

    sounds boring tbh
  13. Chocolate chip cookie here

    finny has a reputation on niggas in space of having sex with anything
  14. Idle games

    that looks interesting, i'll have to try it out~! lmfao
  15. What makes you better than Hitler?

    eating better cookies~~ lmfao~~!
  16. got fired from my job at the laundromat

    omfg i've been high as fuck on oxy all day lmfao it's awesome. i took almost all the valium tho. :p ~~lmao
  17. Shitskin Point-and-Laugh Subforum

    lmfao @ infinity shock u r so funny! lmao~
  18. Firearms Wishlist

    i'll put your fuckin eye out you fuckin hunchback noob
  19. Chocolate chip cookie here

    Yes I've had peanut butter but chocolate chip are much more preferable IME LOL!~
  20. got fired from my job at the laundromat

    the other day i went in and before i went in i took my script of 10 mg oxycodone pills, 2 like every single morning, and brought the bottle with my so i could take my lunch dose. when i was at work i decided to take some at 9 am instead of 12 pm because i had a lot of work to get done. then when...
  21. Going to the beach!

    omg lmao~ ur so funny lmao~
  22. Firearms Wishlist

    unfortunately i don't have the money right now~ lmao~
  23. Hey, I was censored by Lanny...

    oh hey, i recognize you from zoklet! it's great we could all gather here after zoklet shut down~ lmao~
  24. Going to the beach!

    there's too many seagulls for me to go to the damn beach lmao~ ~CCC