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"Why didn't gamers buy this hidden gem back then?"


Staff member
So this comment I made that I'm about to copypasta here is a response to a comment made on this video's page:

I'm going to be honest, I didn't even HEAR about Enslaved until it was way too late. When people ask why these kinds of games never took off in the past, the answer is usually marketing. Nobody even knows the game even fucking exists! And this is far from the only game where this has happened to me personally. Psi-Ops and Timesplitters 3 are both incredible games. Especially TS3. But did I hear about them when they released? Fucking nope. I found TS3 while browsing a pawn shop. Psi-Ops at a used game store. Both years after release. If I was a developer for one of these games, I'd be out for blood. Thankfully, these days, with people more connected to each other than ever, and gaming constantly becoming more and more popular, it's easy now to hear about hidden gems like this, but back then, if the publisher decided to skimp on the marketing, you didn't hear shit about it and the usual result was that the game didn't sell.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I remember seeing a review of it on a show that used to air here (can't remeber what it was called, Ginx? i think), and thinking 'eh'. Can't say it was something I was super interested in so I just kinda avoided it, Though I have considered getting it now since i'm sure i can find a dirt cheap copy of it somewhere.


Staff member
I remember seeing a review of it on a show that used to air here (can't remeber what it was called, Ginx? i think), and thinking 'eh'. Can't say it was something I was super interested in so I just kinda avoided it, Though I have considered getting it now since i'm sure i can find a dirt cheap copy of it somewhere.
You can get the complete version of it on Steam for $20 apparently.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
You can get the complete version of it on Steam for $20 apparently.
Could probably find it cheaper for ps3 too, that's what version I was thinking of grabbing.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
It won't include the DLC though, and most games on the PS3 run like shit due to its special snowflake processor.
How dare you insult the PS3.
On a serious note, in my experience most games have run perfectly fine on the PS3. The only game that really caused me any trouble was GTA IV who's frame-rate went to absolute shit. Everything else has been fine for that console era.
As for the dlc, eh. For a game i'm barely interested in not having the dlc is fine. Plus I like having physical cases


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
I actually remember seeing a trailer for this game on YT around the time it was released, I thought the whole "It's the Monkey King story, but on a science fiction post apocalypse " was an interesting take. However I never got into it, guess I could give it if its ever on sale on Steam.