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You Need Feeds


To stay informed, I don't use social networks, I use a feed reader.

SMF (the forum package used here) offers feeds, which I use to know about new topics here.

If you don't know what a feed is, here is an introduction.

My feed reader says it has saved me 6K hours of work, assuming 20 seconds needed to check a page, given it has checked more than 1KK pages.

Considering how many articles it filters out (and does not consider at the statistics), I would say the time saved could easily be the double of that.

To me, definitively worthy it, amazing tech.


Sanctuary legend
Would this be a feed of Sanctuary threads/posts, or would it be a feed of actual news that we would get right on the site?


Houseman said:
Would this be a feed of Sanctuary threads/posts, or would it be a feed of actual news that we would get right on the site?

I don't quite follow the question, but I will try to answer.

SMF produces feeds to threads/post, that is what I subscribe to using my reader.

If the admin wanted, he could re-post news articles from a third party feed here - probably, if SMF or one plugin for it supports this.


Sanctuary legend
Oh, I see.

I used to use a feed reader back in the day. I forgot why. Then I think the add-on I was using started charging or moved to a freemium business model and I dropped it.


Staff member
We have a feed actually! https://intosanctuary.com/index.php?action=.xml;type=rss

Not entirely related but there's also XHTML and WAP2 as well. You can find links to all those right at the bottom of every page.


When people subscribe to more than just a few sites it quickly can be overwhelming to people that don’t like to wake up to “inboxes” with 300 unread count. People just abandon those. It is why Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. all use algorithms to select which content people should see when they open the app. I’m weird. I want to see everything in reverse chronological order. But “most people” want to see something interesting for the few moments they devote to reading their subscriptions.

RSS will never be as popular as Facebook. Let’s all get over it.

So, qualification: you need feeds if you want to control what you ingest and are willing to invest a bit now to heap quality later. If you are happy to ingest whatever, head over to the nearest plantation.


I am now following Discord's channels with my feed reader.
I really dislike big open chats, so I tend to avoid chat programs, but some people are using Discord for image sharing and they have some really good game screenshots.
Plus I can follow some low volume conversation channels or announcement channels.
I should be set, as long as they don't come cracking down on self-bots (which I need to gather the chat log to generate the feed, but as it is read only, I think they don't mind).
No way I am going to be manually checking 50+ channels.