• For our 10th anniversary on May 9th, 2024, we will be giving out 15 GB of free, off-shore, DMCA-resistant file storage per user, and very possibly, public video hosting! For more details, check a look at our roadmap here.

    Welcome to the edge of the civilized internet! All our official content can be found here. If you have any questions, try our FAQ here or see our video on why this site exists at all!

YouTube channel is now online!


Staff member
Comes with a video I freshly uploaded too.


Account is verified so videos longer than 15 minutes can now be submitted too. Channel is and will be completely unmonetized. Streaming support isn't ready YET (YouTube needs to "activate" it which, for some reason, takes around a day) but that's coming, like, tomorrow. So we won't have to wait long at all. In the meantime, our video submission process just got a lot simpler. No more need for schedules. (Or at least not nearly as much as before since we don't need to stream anymore to submit videos via Twitch.)

So here's how we'll do this. Trusted members will have the password to the account so they can upload whenever they want to. Not sure I trust anyone for that yet right now though. For everybody else, the process is a bit slower. Just PM me a download link to your video along with a title and description you want for the video and I will upload it all to the channel.

When we start getting too many submissions, we'll probably have to be much more picky about who gets to have their videos uploaded, but that's a ways away so I wouldn't worry about that right now. In the meantime, let's see what you guys can make! I personally am probably going to upload a lot more of my daily gameplay to YouTube but who knows.

This YouTube channel will completely replace our Twitch channel. For reasons why this was done, refer to this topic.


Staff member
Houseman said:
What kinds of videos would be allowed?
At the moment, just about anything, obviously so long as they conform to the usual Sanctuary rules. But in the future, as we start getting a ton of submissions, I'll start to curate it more.