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Search results

  1. Pitch a game you'd love to see

    Yeah as much as I distrust Kickstarter scammers, A new SotN would be amazing enough to justify it.
  2. Mini-Tourneys! - Challenge Me For a Small Prize

    Suddenly, I wish someone had made a game called "Pissing Contest" for Steam. The controls could be like the old scorched earth angle and power controls. Genital jousting tourney?
  3. Long time no...

    You guessed correctly. Thank you for the welcome. I tended to stick in a couple forums so you likely didn't read my ramblings unless you frequented the more contentious subs. Thank you. It has been a bit. I saw a couple of Arnox's recruiting posts while lurking in Reddit. Recognized his...
  4. Long time no...

    Thanks. I miss the old Escapist forums but got rather sick of arguing with people who think those who disagree must be culled. Was a bit of fun but ultimately pointless. A shame this place is a bit slow. Oh shit, Signa, you're one of the old guard. You probably remember my original handle...
  5. Long time no...

    ...shitpost. I used to frequent the Escapist as FriendoftheFallen ages ago. Missed the less batshit crazy members of that site and happy to see a few of them are here. Hello everyone, old and new.