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Search results

  1. I'm feeling like I'm on the verge of a panic attack

    You can always get your stuff in a storage unit and stay in a bed and breakfast deal with your essentials while you try to find a more permanent solution. I used AirBnB to find a place to stay while at school this past semester. It's definitely got its downsides, and it'd cut big into what...
  2. We need to make a decision...

    Arnox, nobody's gonna complain if you ban him, you know. He's had his chance, and he's taken it to be as almost as vile a human being as I can imagine.
  3. E3 2018 Impressions - What The Fuck?

    I dunno, one of my chats went apeshit over Cyberpunk. I'm not paying attention to E3 this year. In a transitional period right now, games are falling out of my interest, I think. Besides, it's not as if Fallout: New Vegas is getting a sequel.
  4. We need to make a decision...

    I say no. You haven't imported enough of a community to be self-perpetuating yet, and locking down registration anymore would throttle any attempts to grow, which is what the place needs. It's just not a good idea. I'd rather you be heavy handed and just ban people who can't maintain basic...
  5. has anyone here actually gone to nature?

    Camping is not something to do if you intend to get high, by yourself, away from a support system that can get you help if you get yourself in some deep shit. I'm an Eagle Scout; I can give you some advice, but not if you're gonna shoot up in the woods and dirty the environment or get yourself...
  6. Sanctuary's Origins (OBSOLETE)

    Re: It's Time To Talk About Sanctuary's Origins When I read this, I kept a degree of disattachment, since it was only one side of the story. I feel like IS's posts have made the other side of the story clear enough. My deepest sympathies, and kudos on you for trying again.
  7. got fired from my job at the laundromat

    Maybe you should do less drugs? People don't really like their EMT's to be high.
  8. Firearms Wishlist

    Actually, the formal argument you want to hide your fragile ego behind in this case is "false equivalence." It'd be nice to have an intelligent discussion with your particular kind of gun nut, but if you all were intelligent the conversation wouldn't be necessary. Yes, that statement is also a...
  9. Firearms Wishlist

    "Society is being sissified into being afraid of guns, when there isn't anything to worry about guns at all, they're just a tool like a shovel" "Oh yeah, I measure the worth of guns by how much damage they'll do to a human body" I'm not sure I've ever heard of anybody attaching a similar...
  10. Hey, I was censored by Lanny...

    So you've been wanting to stick your dick in the orifices of fursuit wearing 2nd graders?
  11. Hey, I was censored by Lanny...

    You stick your cock in dogs? Or is it furries?
  12. What makes you better than Hitler?

    Oops, I accidentally ran over a Jew on the way home from the store. Guess I'm not better than Hitler after all, guys. Oh wait, I have both testicles. So I still have one up from ol' Dolphy. Phew, that was close! Guess I can go out and murder as many Jews as I want.
  13. Hey, I was censored by Lanny...

    Magic how? ...Inquiring minds wish to know.
  14. I'm a former game journo - AMA

    What food must be intaken to form the most aerodynamic feces for throwing?
  15. I'm a former game journo - AMA

    What's your professional opinion on that slate of "Gamers Are Dead" articles that really kicked GG into high gear? Did such obvious coordinated collusion betray journalistic ethics?
  16. This week I have been mostly playing...

    I ought to get around to making that a ringtone at some point. I made one for the Fire Emblem theme several years ago, but I've been out of love for that series for a couple years now.
  17. What makes you better than Hitler?

    I knew he was one or the other, and that Jehovah's Witness makes more sense with the proselytizing, but I thought he once stated that he was Mormon through and through. My best friend back in early elementary school was a Mormon. Went to his baptism. Really nice, kind people.
  18. What makes you better than Hitler?

    Is this gonna end with you trying to convert me to the Church of Mormon after you try to make the case that I'm really no better than the widely agreed Worst Person in History and the cure for that is Jesus? Cuz as I recall from the Escapist, that's how most threads you start semantics over ended.
  19. What makes you better than Hitler?

    I haven't tried to fight a land war in Russia during winter. And I haven't burned any Jews in the last 30 days. Feeling pretty solid.
  20. This week I have been mostly playing...

    I own Elite:Dangerous, I think, but it sounds like it has very MMO-y gameplay, by which I mean a few basic systems have to be repeated a lot to get anywhere with them, and it's forced multiplayer like an MMO, but it launched without any of the infrastructure you'd expect from playing an MMO...
  21. Which god should you worship?

    I'll worship whatever God that gives me a footrub and cures my lactose intolerance.