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Search results

  1. What Would You Like To See?

    Y'know what, maybe this place isn't for me. I wouldn't even necessarily mind being on a forum without the rules I was suggesting. That could be fine depending on the level of discourse. But if this is the ongoing tone, I'm not really going to have a nice time (which, I suspect, is rather the...
  2. What Would You Like To See?

    You described me as an "envoy for an ideological infiltration". Aside from the hyperbole, I don't really know how to read that other than stating that I shouldn't be here. If I'm "infiltrating", then I shouldn't be here; that's what it means. How quickly disagreement turned to gatekeeping...
  3. What Would You Like To See?

    You have poor reading comprehension. Maybe I should have added a caveat; whenever I referred to moderation, should've added [of hate speech/ harassment]. Now, see, I thought that wouldn't be necessary, since I specifically said what I was talking about in the first several posts, which is...
  4. What Would You Like To See?

    Erm, yes, I know. Nobody is arguing otherwise.
  5. What Would You Like To See?

    It's not that simple, no-- almost never was a simple yes/no decision actually made. Words develop context through decades of history and historical use and association. And the historic use and association of one happens to be severe discrimination and violence. So, some people want to...
  6. Share your supernatural experiences...

    That's the brain trying to undermine your point, because it wants to stay undercover. Doesn't want us to know. ...And it knows when we know.
  7. I know I'm super cool and everything but...

    Uhrm... as odd as it sounds, I'd be totally into a mushroom thread. I love mushrooms. Oyster, shiitake, all that good stuff. Got some eryngii from somewhere a while ago, that shit brought my stir fry game to the next level.
  8. Console Wars!

    Used to be a PC-main gamer, but now I mostly use the PS4. I have a Switch as well, but (at present) only two games on it. The rest of 2018 has a lot of Switch stuff I'm interested in, though, and very little PS4 stuff for me, so I think the Switch is going to get more attention for the latter...
  9. What Would You Like To See?

    That's really not the case here. I suspect it's not the case in most places, from what I've heard. I'm not just arbitrarily deciding to be offended, and neither are most gay people who take exception to that. When I've heard slurs of that severity in the real world, it's been a strong indicator...
  10. I know I'm super cool and everything but...

    Y'know, it occurs to me that in all my years at the 'Pist, I only created about... three threads? I'm sure they weren't even terribly inspired. ((On a side-note, I propose we refer to The Escapist as the 'Pist, because it reads like 'Pissed', as in, Defy Media pissed away what goodwill it had)).
  11. Share your supernatural experiences...

    That actually seems like a very reasonable explanation. You can intuit the gist and overall meaning of a sentence from the speech pattern, the cadence, the emotion in it... and I can definitely imagine somebody doing all that interpretation subconsciously, for background noise. Human mind's...
  12. What Would You Like To See?

    A "bastard" is a term that, in most places in which it is still used (like London, where I'm from!), is not taken particularly seriously. It's a fairly generic insult. It is doesn't have decades of history of real, harmful prejudice and bigotry behind it. The other terms do. They don't simply...
  13. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    Well, alright. I mean, I think those priorities are really out of whack, but YMMV. When I spoke of him as a "con-man", I was referring to schemes like Trump University, which swindled students into maxing out their credit cards and never made good on its promises, until it was eventually forced...
  14. Nature Porn

    That winter one is beautiful. There's something about stillness and winter that's incredibly visually compelling.
  15. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    But my meeting those people was not meaningfully indicative of anything whatsoever in terms of the population as a whole. I cannot extrapolate any meaningful conclusion from it, and I'd be a fool to try.
  16. What Would You Like To See?

    Am I? News to me! Do you think that's genuinely how online conversation works in places where there is no moderation? Sensibleness just prevails, and if you're not a dick-head, harassment and racism and shit like that just don't happen? This is such a rosy, blue-sky image of the internet...
  17. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    I answered the question insofar as stating that I don't know the ratio. I live in the UK, so US politics is naturally not that common a topic. When it does come up, though, I've easily met more people who would support Clinton than people who would support Trump. More than either, though, are...
  18. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    We know this happened. The historic Church(es) convened councils to determine what would be canonical, and what would be apocryphal, very often depending on highly personal and arguable reasons. They have some excellent lessons. The consistency is extraordinarily low, though, and there are...
  19. What Would You Like To See?

    That's not the forum I'm envisaging. There's a middle ground. I'm merely envisaging some basic level of respect, which is accomplished easily enough on countless forums (...most of the time). I never said it was a big deal when somebody calls me anything, and I think the only reason you're...
  20. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    The number of people we personally interact with is going to be the tiniest fraction of a percentage of the voterbase; both statistically insignificant and unrepresentative. One cannot really draw any conclusions at all about the population as a whole from personal interaction alone.
  21. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    Well, sure, plenty of things could hound me. It's the talk of abysses and voids that I find to be unnecessarily verbose, and to not do many favours to the topic. It's personal preference, I admit. It just puts me in mind of Uni Lit students talking about how if we stare into the abyss it stares...
  22. What Would You Like To See?

    Well, because it'll make the forum a less pleasant, more hostile place to be. Presumably we want the forum to be welcoming and pleasant.
  23. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    This is anecdotal, then?
  24. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    Well, if you yourself do not believe it any less likely that one candidate would be a turn off than the other, then I'm wondering why you think high numbers for Clinton indicate a rigged election, but not high numbers for Trump.
  25. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    Can you give me an example?