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Recent content by Runic Rogue

  1. I'm a former game journo - AMA

    No worries about the time to get back. That is one of the main benefits of a forum after all. But looking back at all discussed so far, what would you suggest as a solution of sorts, away from the decline in journalism back to pre1900's style, and more akin to that golden age that was seen as...
  2. I'm a former game journo - AMA

    Hmm, I see. You don't see an increase in amount of stories that are false or unfounded, or that the use of talking heads to push a conclusion as anything new or concerning? Or is it just seemingly more frequent due to the speed in which it is noticed and called out? To say the least about it...
  3. I'm a former game journo - AMA

    You know, it is funny you mention that, as after the sites finally dd start updating policy and improving things, it was around the time the main engine of gamergate cooled and slowed. What remained was a reactionary skeleton crew responding to the media attempts to call up ghost of the...
  4. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    Here's the problem though, what people see as justifying claims of greater morality has changed a lot and rapidly in the democratic party compared to the standard core ideas of "old fashion american first values" that the republicans have hitched their wagon to time and again. Lets go back a few...
  5. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    Actually, that is partially the point I am making, yes. Considering the dem's now run on a platform of moral superiority as demonstrated by using outrage every 5 minutes, it is more the problem with hypocrisy coming from the people seen as ineffective bullies. Trump looks like an idiot, and is...
  6. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    barring legal shenanigans or a health issue, I would say definitely. The progressive left is alienating anyone not firmly decided with their thought-police tactics and often hypocritical stances. It supports remain strong on the new york and cali fronts, but everywhere else they are eroding...
  7. I'm a former game journo - AMA

    With regard to the gamergate question, what do you think about how the industry handled it? Do you think they addressed it as it warranted and it was doomed to explode like it did, or do you think they threw gas on a spark and made a blazing fire? With regard to the field itself, do you think...
  8. I don't think people understand...

    Forums feel like a weapon of a bygone age of the internet nowadays. Companies have cracked down on discourse on all major sites and actively try to stop discussion by either forcing one side, or empowering users to weaponize the rules in some fashion to do it themselves. They have been relegated...
  9. Hello

    But posting takes actual work! Also, nice rules. Pretty clear, very lenient, and none of the weird tone policing bullcrap outside of possibly the "derailing" thing, which is still worlds better worded than I expected. I hope this new site takes off well.
  10. Hello

    Well, I suppose it is only fair to introduce myself. I am Runic. Well, that takes care of that. Time to lurk for a while. Hope this site doesn't intentionally drive itself into the abyss with terrible management and moderation like the escapist did.