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A Look at Baldur's Gate 3 (And A Fun Theory)


Staff member

I don't think I need to tell anyone how impressive this game looks.

Instead, I'd like to talk about something else I thought of as I watched this. Larian Studios had Wizards of the Coast over to their offices I think just before Divinity: Original Sin 2's launch or right after. They were doing a test run with them and running a custom campaign. Now, Larian said at the time that if WotC liked what they saw, they would sponsor official D&D content in D:OS2. Once the run was over though, there was silence and nobody heard anything else from WotC or Larian about possible D&D content in D:OS2. Naturally, it was assumed that that seemed to fall through. But with BG3 suddenly coming, I guess now we know what actually happened, and that is that WotC was so damn impressed with what Larian had that they decided to just let them make an entire Baldur's Gate sequel.

I don't know who's heading WotC but it really looks like they know what they're doing for once.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
It has been known to happen once in a full moon, since Wizards of the Coast in general acts like your average greedy corporate dickwads with their intellectual properties. Anyway, Ignore all that stuff, I want to play Baldur's Gate 3 already.


Staff member
It has been known to happen once in a full moon, since Wizards of the Coast in general acts like your average greedy corporate dickwads with their intellectual properties. Anyway, Ignore all that stuff, I want to play Baldur's Gate 3 already.


Staff member
I'm gonna play Cyberpunk 2077 like mad too though, lol.
I can't 'cause I know it's gonna be filled with nudity. No, I'm not gonna get off this bandwagon. I am very happy that CDPR are being so consumer friendly though. This is much more a personal choice than an actual objective one.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I can't 'cause I know it's gonna be filled with nudity. No, I'm not gonna get off this bandwagon. I am very happy that CDPR are being so consumer friendly though. This is much more a personal choice than an actual objective one.
You have a problem with nudity?


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
You have a problem with nudity?
I don't think its the nudity per se, but the animated sex scenes in video games are awkward as hell and unnecessary. In the Witcher 3, which was made by CDPR, there were several of those and all of them are optional so you don't really ever need to see them if you don't want to but its pretty uncanny valley basically.