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Search results

  1. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    That's what I thought before. I tried like 2 days ago. I guess I just missed a comma or something in the coding. I just tried with 15 maps, and all works perfect.
  2. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    I'll give it a try. Everytime I've tried doing that it forced the game to load defaults. So maybe it was just my coding?
  3. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    How can I add custom maps to the voting pool?
  4. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    Ohh I gotchya. Wow that really sucks.
  5. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    So what exactly is the MS23 file in particular? Like this halo game isn't in development right? So why would it be such a big idea to upload this?
  6. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    Ahh I see. Hmmmmm. This will be a hard bypass.
  7. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    Ohhh I see. I forgot about stuff like that. I assume dropbox, google drive, etc would be outta option huh?
  8. Halo Online Guide v2.2 (Dedicated servers, splitscreen, and more)

    I got to reading about the split screen program you have mentioned in the guide here. Is that split screen for one monitor with 2 players, or 2 monitors? If this question even makes sense. Also I was wondering if you have like a google drive link to some Maps and or gamemode variants?