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Search results

  1. Stupid weebtrash video that was taken down from Youtube back up on Vimeo

    Still need a few more posts before images work
  2. New Teen Titans got Grimdark as fuck.

    Welp, just have to post more then.
  3. Stupid weebtrash video that was taken down from Youtube back up on Vimeo

    No it was taken down either because of the video being from an anime or the background music being from a popular music video. Can't say which got it taken down because both have been used in popular videos that are equally covered under fair use and managed to survive without a takedown.
  4. Stupid weebtrash video that was taken down from Youtube back up on Vimeo

    https://vimeo.com/280373552 So yeah this video I like from an anime shitposter I like is up on Vimeo after being taken down from YouTube multiple times. What a time to be alive.
  5. New Teen Titans got Grimdark as fuck.

    I've been wondering, ever since they first showed set photos, why does Starfire look like a cheap Detroit hooker? Sexy adult Starfire has never looked like a tramp who'd cost less to go all the way then it cost for the bus ticket to reach her. Edit: fuck, too lazy to fix that shit
  6. Show Me Your Books!

    Only if you count the Pacific theatre of the second world war. Most of the history books are about that, the first world war, or some other conflict.
  7. Show Me Your Books!

    I have quite few books but can't be arsted to take an actual picture or list them out. It's pretty much split three ways between history/political books I've acquired over the years, science fiction books I've bought myself or had gifted to me, and manga.