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Search results

  1. This place is way cooler than The Escapist...

    The Escapist itself is giving a Forbidden error. Is it finally dead for real?
  2. Are we gonna get Trump for another term?

    That is a frighteningly disconnected assessment. Hillary getting more votes was the expected result from the vast majority of polling attempts from a wide variety of sources (many decidedly right-wing). She got fewer votes than overall expected, and not by all that much (well within the expected...
  3. Share your supernatural experiences...

    "Okay, so I'm dead, but at least I can FINALLY actually reach that dang thing!"
  4. Neutron Lifetime Discrepancy

    FOR SCIENCE! 8) So, free neutrons decay into a proton and electron (and an anti-neutrino and sometimes a gamma ray). Physicists have tried to measure the half-life of this decay, and they've run into a problem: If you measure the protons generated ("beam" technique), you get one answer, and if...