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Search results

  1. Holy shit. Battlefield 2 is awesome (Yes, I know I'm years late to this party)

    BF2 was pretty amazing, butthe Battlefield game I played the most was BF2142. The expansion was pretty amazing, and Titan matches always felt nailbiting 90% of the time. BF2142 and BF2 are the only Battlefield games I'm remotely familiar with.
  2. The Nature of 21st Century Warfare

    I was an enlistee. Plus Rarity is best M7 horse and the show and comics are still charming.
  3. The Nature of 21st Century Warfare

    Absolutely, but where there is a will there is a way. It's easier now, and faster ... but when you hear all the little details like predicting where sensitive equipment is because of the length of grass nearby should help to remind people that we do live in a post-secrets world. We've merely...
  4. The Nature of 21st Century Warfare

    Ehhh ... there has been plenty of 'selfie' moments in the history of warfare. Like how Nazis used to put delinquents and 'weaklings' on Freya-Wurzburg radar and gun laying network-air intelligence duties. And subsequently used to fortify said installations with encompassing heavy barbed wire...
  5. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    I've seen things that makes me lose faith in humans in an individual or collective sense. Mass graves, media actively avoiding reporting out of Libya the second the West murdered Gaddafi... watching as a society degenerated into open air slave auctions, and limb removals. But I know for a fact...
  6. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    More a conundrum, I shouldn't have said 'argument'. It's more about the 'precipice of the abyss'. I think one factor you're leaving out is the capacity for success. If you're using a utilitarian metric (units of happiness) you need also to accommodate success (results matter) ... which means a...
  7. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    All things sre temporal. There's a moral argument against violent revolution in that if the basis foundation of your beliefs is in eventual peace, then when is there an effective justification to violently rebel? But once again peace and violence is a false dialectic. Peace or war is...
  8. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    Bit of Kierkegaard here and there, bit of Camus, bit of Sartre, bit of Beauvoir ... But mostly I would say my advocacy work for LGBTQ Australians, as well as fairly extensive travelling about SE Asia. I've seen coups, the results of occupation, civil unrest, environmental catastrophes...
  9. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    Not exactly. Particularly its more essentialist aspects. Existence precedes essence. I don't know enough about Monism to talk about it, however.
  10. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    Absolutely not. There is no objective truth, humans are capable of dying for something larger than themselves and (most importantly) explain why, and it is more than in our capacity to be decent humans that seek not to demean others but celebrate their existence. To put it pointedly, we are the...
  11. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    How would you know, however? Moreover you could say it about anything. "Sure, gravity kills you when you fall off a building... but imagine if there were no gravity!" Let's take another hypothetical... let's say if there was a megapredator that routinely destroyed human encampments? They were...
  12. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    But that's not the crux of the issue. I don't wake up each day and say; "Thank god(s) I was born in the 20th century so I won't die of cholera." Nor should anyone feel particularly divinely praiseworthy of their doctor doing their standard level of duty of care when they're given 5 times on...
  13. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    The bastard(s) hardcoded our mortality, riddled us with maladies, riddled us with existential angst, inflicted us with loneliness, Kierkegaardian despair, artificial scarcity, and then has the gall to have numerous people want to meet them in supplication. Let's say that god(s) are real, and...
  14. What are your religions beliefs, if any?

    Cold deist. That even if there was a creator deity, they do not give a shit about us. That we are merely a byproduct of a universal experiment, and we're either not the focus of their attentions (merely a possibility of a larger project) but at best even if our existence would be an aspect of...
  15. Laurel or Yanny?

    I hear both. Yanny in a stupid voice, Laurel in a low, gruff and muffled voice barely obfuscated underneath. I should point out I hear both at the same time, but the 'laurel' sounds more like 'oral'. Mainly because the high pitched 'Yah' bit obfuscates it. I wouldn't have been able to know...