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Search results

  1. Arnox

    Forum Game #5 Details, Instructions, and Sign-Up

    Yes, I wanted to get my modded Xbox 360 guide done first though and get that out of the way. I'll let you guys know when we're going to start this up again so you'll all have time to prepare.
  2. Arnox

    The Official YouTube Spam Thread

    Ok, now you're just trolling me at this point. :( Ah yes, bodycam videos. Always a classic.
  3. Arnox

    The Official YouTube Spam Thread

    Make sure you post the title and author. ^^ I did it for you.
  4. Arnox

    Cinema The Matrix Resurrections - Great Foundation, Can't Close

    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMhNlGhTUXU) TL;DW - An interesting theory about how the Watchowskis never wanted to make this movie in the first place but the execs were going to do it anyway, so they made it purposefully shit, ensuring that the execs couldn't keep pumping out Matrix movies.
  5. Arnox

    FTC Reinstates Net Neutrality, Bans Non-Compete Clauses

    Alright. What exactly do you think is wrong with the lawsuit?
  6. Arnox

    FTC Reinstates Net Neutrality, Bans Non-Compete Clauses

    Wait, you don't support the lawsuit against Apple?
  7. Arnox

    The Official YouTube Spam Thread

    Damn it. Right when I'm not at home. But I may still be able to download it. EDIT: Package secured.
  8. Arnox

    Why does some 'philosophy' read like word salad.

    But very often, it's not. Black and white thinking is a very simplistic view of the world, and thus, has all the errors that come with simplistic thinking in the first place. You're looking at a glass of water and thinking you've seen the ocean. Before we can accept such extremes resposibly, we...
  9. Arnox

    FTC Reinstates Net Neutrality, Bans Non-Compete Clauses

    https://apnews.com/article/net-neutrality-fcc-broadband-regulation-cc8421bc4f11a3e0f6ffc22c358fbfd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7Vq83ua1Gs Lina Khan's probably the main person to thank for this, but I'm sure many at the FTC are happy to actually be able to do their jobs now. Now I'm...
  10. Arnox

    Forum Game #5 Details, Instructions, and Sign-Up

    Roger that. We'll do it on Monday because I got some big personal stuff coming up fast here on the weekend I need to do.
  11. Arnox

    Forum Game #5 Details, Instructions, and Sign-Up

    Two people is not enough. We need one more. Also, I'd really like you for this particular game. I can wait for you.
  12. Arnox


    And if you have a forum, delete it! Fuck those years of archived information and conversations. :) The plebs can go on Twitter.
  13. Arnox

    The Official Internet Forums List (Beta)

    Thank you! I hope you'll stay here with us (and follow our sparse rules). <3 And yep, forum master race for the win.
  14. Arnox

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    Well of course it passed the fucking Senate. Why not. lol Pieces of shit... The only silver lining here is that its funding was truncated down from five years to two years. EDIT: Saving the list of who voted for this in case for some reason it magically vanishes.
  15. Arnox

    How to Return YouTube to Its Original Video Layout

    From: https://github.com/code-charity/youtube/issues/2178 Assuming you're using uBlock Origin, open the extension settings and head to your filter list and add in the following: www.youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid, false) www.youtube.com##+js(set...
  16. Arnox

    5 Things to Know Before Buying an M1911A1

    From: https://sightm1911.com/lib/tech/reliability_secrets.htm 1911 Reliability Secrets Fluff and Buff ©2000 , John L. Marshall The 1911 pistol, John Browning’s large-caliber pistol triumph, is both lauded and condemned in the firearms world. It’s lauded for its power...
  17. Arnox

    Citra/Yuzu source-code archives

    Sounds good. Sorry we couldn't help you here (at least right now). Let us know if you need anything else.
  18. Arnox

    How to ACTUALLY Fix/Buy an Old Phat PS3 and Have It Work Reliably

    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0UMG3iVYZI) TL;DW - There was a TON of theories and myths put out about why the old PS3s were failing, but in the end, it turned out that old phat PS3s failed due mostly to how the old RSX chip was assembled. Transplanting an older 90nm RSX chip with a...
  19. Arnox

    PSA: Launch Edition PS3s Have Input Lag on All PS2 Games

    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0UMG3iVYZI) TL;DW - Old phat PS3s failed due mostly to the RSX chip. Transplanting an older 90nm RSX chip with a relatively much newer 40nm found in many slim PS3s will bring an old PS3 back to life and working reliably. These PS3s are called frankenstein PS3s...
  20. Arnox

    Forum Game #5 Details, Instructions, and Sign-Up

    Deadline has been extended a bit to Tuesday since I totally forgot to bump this thread two days before game start. There's also a few other small things I need to work out. @Houseman Now is the time to make a character. Whatcha thinkin'?
  21. Arnox

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    Ugh. That's correct... This is going to quickly turn into a full-time job. >_>
  22. Arnox

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    I'm thinking of decommissioning the blacklist and, perhaps, instead running an explicit whitelist. I'll keep this thread around still though and use it to keep track of the newest bullshit laws that are getting passed and will rename the thread accordingly. The old list will also be kept for...
  23. Arnox

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    273 people voted for this shit? How am I supposed to cram all their names on the list? Fucking hell, how depressing.
  24. Arnox

    What, the Twitter April Fools? lol

    What, the Twitter April Fools? lol
  25. Arnox

    Forum Game #5 Details, Instructions, and Sign-Up

    And so it shall be!