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Sketch and Lineart Practice #2


Staff member
This should be the last post before I finally move on to making the first comic panel. If the sketch didn't turn out right this time I would be doing more practice sketches. Thankfully though, that shouldn't be necessary. This one turned out better than I thought it was going to go. But even still, it's a little questionable. If I had to guess, I think his left eye is a little off placement.



Sanctuary legend
If I had to guess, I think his left eye is a little off placement.
I think it's in the right place, it just looks off because there's no internal lines, shading, or any other details that make it clear about where it is, such as the shadow of the glasses.


Staff member
I hear say that shading/shadows is everything in art.
I'd say the first major issue you run into is definitely getting good lineart. And linked directly to that is making good-looking faces. The rest of stuff for lineart is relatively easy. Perspective is the biggest thing you need to watch out for. You don't want to unintentionally make your art look like a cubist painting.

The second major issue then once you get that all perfected is, yeah, shading. I'd still say though that haven't good lineart is the hardest and simultaneously the most important.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I'd say the first major issue you run into is definitely getting good lineart. And linked directly to that is making good-looking faces. The rest of stuff for lineart is relatively easy. Perspective is the biggest thing you need to watch out for. You don't want to unintentionally make your art look like a cubist painting.

The second major issue then once you get that all perfected is, yeah, shading. I'd still say though that haven't good lineart is the hardest and simultaneously the most important.
Indeed. Quite a lot of important steps and parts. Maybe stick-figure comics are on to something..