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My idea for a Space Sci Fi Epic.


For the sake of Monochrome, I will do it here. So my inspiration for my Space War epic comes from this soundtrack to Gundam Seed, an anime may I remind you I have not seen at all, but I am certain it will overlap in elements more or less. For my story to make any sense ideally if I was animator I would make actually make my interpreation of this anime's orchestral score. Here I am just gonna link a video and write what I am seeing, and mind you each song in this playlist is part of a whole story I am seeing in my head. But to explain the story, its cliche as fuck, but its through the music that makes it up for it, its not meant to be anything as deep or character driven as George R.R. Martin's work or anything, but its all about tugging your emotions.

The story as I see it is about an independent planet colony that has a fairly strong space fareing military, most prominent is the use of Spaceship fighters (Think Wing Commander, Star Wars X-Wing, and Star Fox) and all the charcaters are human, even the bad guys who are basically a galactic empire eagre for planetary conquest. Our protagonist is a young 20 year old boy who lives on the Independent Planet State and joins the Space Air Force Academy to become a pilot, along with his older Brother (I choose him to be older by 10 years) who essentially acts as his guide since he knows more of the military. Basically the "shit just got real" part of the story happens when the planet does get conquered and our protagonist's older brother died in front his eyes in the initial invasion. And one of the highpoints that our protagonist "becomes a man" basically is when he singlehandedly defied the Empire by piloting his fighter jet and skillfully shot down imperial fighters and destroyed key bases that it inspired the populace to rebel, you see his former academy friends also defying their imperial bosses and hijack other fighters to join with our protagonists. And of course our protagonist finds love through all this because the music has very Romantic tracks.

Which is the whole point is that all this is basically a musical/emotion story. No deeper lore or backstory. as I said if I were to make this visually through animation, there would be no dialoge, and all the actions follows the music accordingly. I would present it like how Fantasia presents its work. Like watch this video of a segment from Fantasia and you will understand (my favorite being the Rite of Spring)


In my next post I fully desrcibe how I interpret a specifc music piece from Gundam Seed to showcase a story event that is part of the whole story I desrcibed to you.



Now for your sake and mine, I suggest you listen to this one music of the soundtrack before reading the words below to fully understand the story I am trying to write, and don't worry its not that long, only 4 minutes.

The music starts abrutly, signifying a kind of tension. I am seeing at first an airborne view of a city and the camara proceeds to view a military airforce-like base and you see all the space fighters and military personal doing their own thing.

At the 00:41 mark of the music you see people in a computer room and one of them sees something that catches his attention, he sees basically an unidentified boogey on rader, at first he reports to his boss and both initially think it was probably a glitch or trick, but then more start appearing on the rader and closing in fast, and that presents itself in the 01:06 minute mark.

But at the 01:18 mark, that's when all hell brakes loose, an invasion of hostile space fighter jets attacking the base and the city its housed in coming from the sky. The parts between 01:32 and 01:44 I see the enemy fighters blowing up buildings and civilizans caught in the destruction.

01:45 I see the Air force pilots geting on their ships as quickly as possible to repel the enemy fighters with our young protagonist and his older brother doing so, and they began to dog fight the enemy.

02:20 our protagonist and his co-pilot wingmen just went through shooting down enemy fighters and there is a brief but tense moment of calm until 02:26 the protagonist's wingman and friend's ship got shot down from behind by a crafty enemy fighter and our protagonist gives pursuit to avenge his friend.

02:34 the Protagonist now gives pursuit and is tailing the enemy fighter and the enemy is practically making the protagonist eat his dust with the protagonist trying to get a lock on to fire his jet's missle at the enemy.

Until 02:50 the enemy jet pulls up and flies directly in the sky with the protagonist still tailing him and at 03:05 they continued to fly through the athmosphere and into outer space proper orbiting the planet.

Now 03:18 repeats the same music of 02:34, but this time the enemy fighter turned around to face the protagonist head on with both of them about to collide with each other and at 03:29 the enemy locked on and fired his missle yet miraculously at 03:34 our protagonist manages to shoot down the enemy fighter.

The last part of the music ends on a sombre note. The protagonist slows his ship down to see the result of his kill, but in doing so he sees the planet itself and we see in our protagonist's face that he is now pondering what all just happen and now realize the weight he has on his shoulders of being a pilot/soldier defending the planet from their enemies, for the enemy clearly has no mercy.

And visually it all looks amazingly stunning. And no voiced dialoge at all. Now mind you this is just a PART of the whole story I have in my head based on Gundam Seed's Orchestral Score to which I remind you I have never seen the Anime at all so who knows how much all this overlaps with what actually happens in Gundam Seed or Gundam in general. And instead of Robots its Space Jet Fighters which I always find way cooler then Robots.


Staff member
So sci-fi Fantasia. I like it.

A small note. In this case, don't be so hard on your story. If you never heard about Batman and I told you about a rich guy who dresses up like a bat and goes around beating up criminals for the Policia, you'd think I'd be crazy. But remember this. EXECUTION IS EVERYTHING. And in this case, I think you have something very interesting.

Also, check this video out. It's really well made and should give you some more ideas and inspiration on how to go about this.



Arnox said:
So sci-fi Fantasia. I like it.

A small note. In this case, don't be so hard on your story. If you never heard about Batman and I told you about a rich guy who dresses up like a bat and goes around beating up criminals for the Policia, you'd think I'd be crazy. But remember this. EXECUTION IS EVERYTHING. And in this case, I think you have something very interesting.

Also, check this video out. It's really well made and should give you some more ideas and inspiration on how to go about this.

But agian I have no skills, prospects, or motivations to go through with my idea. The only way for me to make it work is if I have a million dollars already in my pocket. And another problem is my idea requires this exact copyrighted soundtrack so I don't intend to make a profit on this idea I have in mind. The best I can do is find a guy to make me still images of this narrative and world I have in mind and superimposed them into the appropriate moment of the music and upload it to youtube with no monitization.


For my idea and ambition to work it needs to have the same level of talent and capability as the guys that did the Bat Metal videos:


And that is beyond my ability or even reach.


Sanctuary legend
Whenever I'm thinking about any of the stories that I write (like the CYOA which you should really participate in), I'm thinking of it in terms of an anime, or sometimes even a live-action movie with heavy special effects. I think it's a ridiculous hope to see it on the big screen as I imagine it, but I enjoy writing it. Who knows? Ridiculous things happen all the time.

But more realistically, these things happen by gradually, and by degrees. If you work on a skill, like writing, drawing, or even Flash animation, and keep doing it, you might make friends with others who have related talents. Then you work on small projects together and keep learning and keep meeting people, and then maybe things will continue to grow from there.

I think that sometimes, people stand at the bottom of a tall mountain, look at the peak, and get intimidated into quitting. Some of the people that made it to the top were just hiking for fun and ended up there, as if by accident. If the thought of your magnum opus intimidates ( or depresses) you, just start playing around instead.

As Game Grump Arin Hansen once said "I didn't come out the womb painting ****ing Mozart"