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Search results

  1. Gauche


    It only took 39 minutes to show a guy masturbating
  2. Gauche

    The Official YouTube Spam Thread

    https://archive.org/details/essential-dev-files-Mercenaries huh Full Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction OST F4m1LyGuy10
  3. Gauche


    Second Wind did a video covering it for sake of signal boosting Can't believe they still don't have a website Fun to see escapist forum posters in the comments and sorta sad at the same time
  4. Gauche


    UK petition is open https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/659071
  5. Gauche

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    https://www.ca10.uscourts.gov/sites/ca10/files/opinions/010111018128.pdf https://gizmodo.com/feds-can-film-your-front-porch-without-warrant-1851352414
  6. Gauche

    Redefining self-explanatory words.

    "Alice claims that Jane has the bloodiest tampons in American history. Bob says that Alice's claim is untrue. Bob is defending Jane!"
  7. Gauche

    "Worshippers of Cthulhu" - Lovecraftian city builder

    https://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=cthulhu&tags=9&category1=998&supportedlang=english&ndl=1 https://boardgamegeek.com/geeksearch.php?action=search&objecttype=boardgame&q=cthulhu Internet made cosmic horror pretty popular
  8. Gauche

    How to stop Google from violating your rectums

    Half of those don't have an image search which feels somehow stifling Weird how bing still has the best boob results
  9. Gauche


    Damn, didn't expect a 5 year old post to be responded to Thank you very much That site reminds me of the-eye without the illuminati influence
  10. Gauche

    How to stop Google from violating your rectums

    Google changed some stuff and this no longer works Works for me again uBlock has it easy
  11. Gauche


    Right-to-repair tackles hardware though Games are software. USA peeps are screwed there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ProCD,_Inc._v._Zeidenberg
  12. Gauche


    Ross Scott doing a thing https://stopkillinggames.com/
  13. Gauche

    Redefining self-explanatory words.

  14. Gauche

    My Arrogant Opinions on Transgender Stuff

    The only time in media I've come across a trans person outside internet/news/games was this: https://www.pbs.org/video/fresh-start-7qezph/ If I remember right they more or less have a panic attack upon getting potentially recognized by someone after transitioning, call their mom that they made...
  15. Gauche

    Ah, what the hell. Why was this place so hard to find ._.

    You read a bit all over the place Rate Baten Kaitos Never Unironic: go outside, touch grass, open eyelids etc Does posting on a forum pointing that out alleviate the feeling of suffocation? Peeps be framing, it what they do Chill, breathe and die some day Liar liar Chicken thigh
  16. Gauche

    General movie thread

  17. Gauche

    General movie thread

    Gotta wonder if the blind enjoy text-to-speech internet
  18. Gauche

    General movie thread

    The Lobster (2015) - 9.9/10 I raise my left foot, I bring my elbow to my knee and tap it twice. I bring my foot to my knee and tap it three times. I lie face down, I kneel down. I touch my left cheek and then lie face up. Short-sighted woman's mouth hangs open and she looks surprised Needed...
  19. Gauche

    All Accounts with Zero Posts will Be Deleted with Sanctuary v3.0

    That isn't combating spam though
  20. Gauche

    The Official YouTube Spam Thread

    Hummingbird Pool Party Number Five Wild Los Angeles
  21. Gauche

    How many people is it okay to sacrifice for world peace?

    All or nothin' Ants may know peace yet
  22. Gauche

    General movie thread

    River (2023) - 7/10 Homely timeloop'n, ever so slightly morbid A welcomed yet insubstantial film
  23. Gauche

    Major Issue w/ Upcoming v3.0 of Sanctuary

    Are you 3x happy spread out over 3 months?
  24. Gauche

    Reviewing My Current Steam Wishlist for Funsies

    Its in a bundle atm