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Search results

  1. Epyc Wynn

    Pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation

    The universal age should be 16, and the federal age-gap of tolerance for those under that age dating someone above their age should be anyone within 5 years of said person's age. Hard numbers are necessary for understanding. If you need tolerance that transcends numbers, you don't need a new...
  2. Epyc Wynn

    The Top 6 Graphics Cards I'd Recommend

    I have an RTX 3800, but after reading your compelling list, I guess I better switch to the 750 Ti.
  3. Epyc Wynn

    Greetings to everyone from The Escapist!

    Your forum has to be pretty bad for your own core users to form their own dedicated forum that ridicules said forum. And here we are.
  4. Epyc Wynn

    Greetings to everyone from The Escapist!

    I was banned exclusively for the reason of using the word gamergate. Not how it was used, not in addition to other issues, not in the context of it being me or it being used in some offensive way -just using the word gamergate. Anyone who uses the word 'gamergate' in a post on the Escapist will...
  5. Epyc Wynn

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    "How dare politicians make negative compromises for the greater good -they should take extreme good positions without compromise even if it means contributing to a greater evil!" You're basically saying all compromise is bad by your own logic, which would fundamentally break governance as a...
  6. Epyc Wynn

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    Warren can kiss my ass after throwing Sanders under the bus during the debates. Total snake! Even Trump never did something as shitty during a debate.
  7. Epyc Wynn

    I'm so sick of hearing about Mirandas ass

    Let me re-explain it so your stupid fucking waifu anime cucky-ass ears and brain can understand: Men have penises and hormones that compel them to want arousing imagery like women's asses on full display, and when a product is advertised to dial that back, it makes us not want to buy the...
  8. Epyc Wynn

    The Official Congressional Blacklist

    Administrator Objectionable Action(s) Supported PP, Small - Admin. Arnox - Anarcho-Tard Suspending Epyc Wynn's account.
  9. Epyc Wynn

    I'm so sick of hearing about Mirandas ass

    >Mass Effect >removing sex appeal in an American video game They think I will buy a game if the PR explicitly shows it will be less sexy. The Japanese aren't this retarded but American lefty-tard game execs and devs sure as shit are. This is in the same tier as Blizzard dialing back Tracer's...
  10. Epyc Wynn

    Free Speech Hypocrites: The Quartering (EDIT: SOMEWHAT NOT VALID)

    Sargon of Akkad allowed me to be banned from his 'free speech' Discord server because I talked to his moderators, because apparently simply pinging one of them to talk was not allowed. He too ghosted any response to me while all his mods knew, meaning he in turn knew but did nothing to respond...
  11. Epyc Wynn

    On Parler and Internet Censorship

    I have been censored everywhere, including here, for stupid petty reasons. I vote the government create its own social media platform that is not allowed to censor anything legal. All mods for that platform would be required to have some legal experience in judging this. If the free market...
  12. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    None of you are listening. Just the same old run-arounds and contrived whataboutisms. This is not a forum for free speech in rules or in spirit. This is just another circlejerk. One more reason the world should be awful.
  13. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    You must have grown up in an ugly culture to think respect and agreement of others makes you right. What a stupid opinion.
  14. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    Power is the basis of if someone's good? Charges? You claimed this was a pro-free speech area, I broke down how this ran afoul of the core nature of free speech in its handling of me. Everything you say just comes off as an in-bad-faith statement meant exclusively to discourage discussion. The...
  15. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    You'll just end up banning me over some mild issue. If I can't trust you here, why on Earth would I trust you there?
  16. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    If I am censored for replying to a thread, that is an act of censorship and an invalid handling of free speech. The logic of removing spam only applies when the spam in itself notably prevents other people's clarity of messaging and ability to communicate with each other, as clarity and ability...
  17. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    Even though you aren't sure if I necessarily did something wrong, why, your gut feeling my obnoxious rude critical nature indicates I deserve to suffer, surely means the people banishing were the good ones. Despite there being no accountability mechanism, you by default assume the mods were...
  18. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    You get what you fucking deserve.
  19. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    You get what you fucking deserve.
  20. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    Oh you definitely are getting what you fucking deserve. The world's censorship and horror is just what a lot of no-good belittlers of your betters deserves. Why should I go into my story of bans and fighting mods across the net, when you already jump to a single conclusion. Why should I explain...
  21. Epyc Wynn

    A Word on Current Events

    You all needed to fight mod power abuse. You didn't. You all needed to fight political power abuse. You ran away from discussing politics and promoted people not talk about it because it's 'controversial' and 'triggering'. When you all promoted, or quietly watched, censorship of dissenting...
  22. Epyc Wynn

    Should we even schedule game nights from now on... ?

    just schedule a game of fukken skribbl.io
  23. Epyc Wynn

    Eternal Destiny - Card Gallery (424 MB)

    Too inconvenient did not view.
  24. Epyc Wynn

    You Are Banned If You Use The Word "GamerGate" On Escapist V2 -Just The Word

    BuT gAmErGaTe Is SeXiSt bEcAuSe ZoE qUiNn SaId So!!!!!!!1 Really wish Zoe Quinn were in jail. She got Alec Holowka killed.
  25. Epyc Wynn

    You Are Banned If You Use The Word "GamerGate" On Escapist V2 -Just The Word

    Fun fact: latest episode of Rick and Morty, Season 4 episode 8, mentioned GamerGate. We did it boys. We saved gaming.