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What's the minimum amount of money you would sell your body for?


Sanctuary legend
Let's say there's a group of wealthy people, men and women, that want to have their way with you and do all sorts of weird sexual and non-sexual things with your body. They will, of course, pay you. Everything they do to you will also be freely available on the internet, under your real name. It will likely be embarrassing, degrading, and at times, quite possibly painful. You will have no dignity left at the end of it.

They will use your body for a month, with food and lodging provided. They will keep you in good health, and care for their needs when they aren't doing weird stuff to you.

What's the minimum amount of money you would need to accept this offer?


Staff member
Since in reality there is no guarantee of payment or safety, I wouldn't make a deal like this at all, but in an ideal world where both those things could be guaranteed, I'd want full control over a U.S. state at very least. Or the entire U.S. Not sure if I'd even settle for control of just a U.S state for that.


Sanctuary legend
Since in reality there is no guarantee of payment or safety, I wouldn't make a deal like this at all, but in an ideal world where both those things could be guaranteed, I'd want full control over a U.S. state at very least. Or the entire U.S. Not sure if I'd even settle for control of just a U.S state for that.
You hate democracy!


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
Since in reality there is no guarantee of payment or safety, I wouldn't make a deal like this at all, but in an ideal world where both those things could be guaranteed, I'd want full control over a U.S. state at very least. Or the entire U.S. Not sure if I'd even settle for control of just a U.S state for that.
Lies, you just need about tree fiddy.

Also, for me it just doesn't seem worth it. Wouldn't do it.


Sanctuary legend
Also, for me it just doesn't seem worth it. Wouldn't do it.
But think of all the good you could do with the amount of money you ask for! You could open orphanages, or hospitals, or solve problems like homelesness. Like Arnox, you could buy politicians or rig elections!


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
It would be the first time I'd be getting any. $2000 + my other bills.