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What's at least one game you absolutely hate?


Staff member
For me, Halo 5. Didn't think I could dislike a game so much until that game came out.

Well... Except maybe Mario Party. Oh and Fallout 76. Mostly for what it says about current day Bethesda.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I couldn't pick a single game so here are some of my contenders:
Black ops 2 or 3, I disliked both so it's tough to decide which i like less.
Duel Masters (ps2) has the worst cutscenes I've ever seen
Far cry 5 was just bad
Assassins creed rogue was an exact reskin of black flag so i stopped playing after an hour


Sanctuary legend
I generally don't hate anyone or anything really. Too much effort.

But, this being Hyperbole.

Majoras Mask

I hated the Time Travel mechanics and they basically ruined the Game for me. I ended up not so much as finishing the first Dungeon.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
It isn't so much games I hate, but certain game "mechanics" i dislike.

Time-based ones that stress you out. A time limit lets say.
Scripted fighting/climbing/jumping.
cockpit vehicle steering.
Over-the-shoulder third person views.

Probably more..


Sanctuary legend
It isn't so much games I hate, but certain game "mechanics" i dislike.

Time-based ones that stress you out. A time limit lets say.
Scripted fighting/climbing/jumping.
cockpit vehicle steering.
Over-the-shoulder third person views.

Probably more..
Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me, dawg.
So, are we talking about "Here's a Boss Battle that you can't actually win."-situation? I don't like that stuff either, if you're gonna do that, just make it non-interactive or go straight for a Cutscene. A fun example I had of this though was in the original Zone of the Enders. I didn't realize that I was around the End of the Game (the Plot suggested otherwise) and so I kept restarting that kind of Battle. Eventually I got good enough at the fighting (thinking the game had just made a massive leap in difficulty, something I'd experienced often enough in the past) that the unbeatible Boss was failing to kill me despite having Hacks in comparison to me (I recall him being able to Teleport). It's been a long time, so I can't remember how it ended. It was either that he was intangible, so we had a stalemate of me not being able to hit and him simply missing me. OR he could be damaged, you just weren't expected to be able to get his Health down, which would have resulted in me eventually figuring it out that the final sliver of health couldn't be taken down.


Staff member
So, are we talking about "Here's a Boss Battle that you can't actually win."-situation? I don't like that stuff either, if you're gonna do that, just make it non-interactive or go straight for a Cutscene. A fun example I had of this though was in the original Zone of the Enders. I didn't realize that I was around the End of the Game (the Plot suggested otherwise) and so I kept restarting that kind of Battle. Eventually I got good enough at the fighting (thinking the game had just made a massive leap in difficulty, something I'd experienced often enough in the past) that the unbeatible Boss was failing to kill me despite having Hacks in comparison to me (I recall him being able to Teleport). It's been a long time, so I can't remember how it ended. It was either that he was intangible, so we had a stalemate of me not being able to hit and him simply missing me. OR he could be damaged, you just weren't expected to be able to get his Health down, which would have resulted in me eventually figuring it out that the final sliver of health couldn't be taken down.
It's more like "press a button and have your character do a bunch of cool stuff without your input".

I'd rather just watch a cinematic.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I don't know how i managed to overlook it the first time, but I'm going to add Guitar hero Live to my list.
I hated the controller. I hated the songs. I hated the experience of playing it. I hate being reminded i played it when i look through my trophy list.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
So, are we talking about "Here's a Boss Battle that you can't actually win."-situation? I don't like that stuff either, if you're gonna do that, just make it non-interactive or go straight for a Cutscene. A fun example I had of this though was in the original Zone of the Enders. I didn't realize that I was around the End of the Game (the Plot suggested otherwise) and so I kept restarting that kind of Battle. Eventually I got good enough at the fighting (thinking the game had just made a massive leap in difficulty, something I'd experienced often enough in the past) that the unbeatible Boss was failing to kill me despite having Hacks in comparison to me (I recall him being able to Teleport). It's been a long time, so I can't remember how it ended. It was either that he was intangible, so we had a stalemate of me not being able to hit and him simply missing me. OR he could be damaged, you just weren't expected to be able to get his Health down, which would have resulted in me eventually figuring it out that the final sliver of health couldn't be taken down.
It's more like "press a button and have your character do a bunch of cool stuff without your input".

I'd rather just watch a cinematic.
Arnox got it in one.
As long as there aren't too many cinematics I'd agree with the last statement as well.
Although I dislike the kind you mentioned too Mono, as well as quick-time event thingies.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
I hate most "Modern" shooters. Things like Call of Duty. There's aspects of game that will frustrate me, like the auto-kill stuff mentioned before, but it's not a deal breaker. Hell, it works great in Doom 2016, but it damages the game in Bioshock infinite.

And since Zelda was mentioned twice: FUCK. Skyward. Sword. That game was miserable. I can see how Majora's Mask was frustrating (It's not really a Zelda game) and Twilight Princess was boring (it was such a rehash of other Zeldas), but Skyward Sword was something else. It was a large tech demo of handholding to show off their new motion controller. Every thing in the game was designed to waste time, or pretend you had control of the situation. Like, what's the point of a parachute item if you're going to make the player auto-deploy it if they don't do it themselves? All of it was insulting and boring with how they treated you.