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What would a sci-fi utopia (that isn't Star Trek) look like?


Staff member
Or even simply, what if we had a world where corporations were appropriately reigned the fuck in?


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Your follow-up post makes me think that I misinterpreted the question...?
But anyway..here's my idea of a Utopian Sci-Fi Future.


Stellar Diaspora.

Political state:
Small overarching Minarchist state with few laws, ruled by a Triumvir of representatives from Science, Social & Economy.
Each planet can chose to have their own governing political ideology.
The few common laws would be free (as in allowed to) travel FROM a planet, but no guarantee of being allowed into a planet/state.
More laws to think up. (ideas?)

Nano/femto-bot tech. Which gives rise to immortality and complete control of your body (Insert whatever you want here..size,shape,density,color,gender,material,abilities,etc.), 3D-printers a la Star Trek replicators and miniaturized fusion/solar/vacuum energy power.

Personal goal and aim:
Exploring the galaxy/universe in a personal starship.