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TotalBiscuit has passed away...


Staff member
He died today. This is the public message his wife wrote for him in commemoration: https://twitter.com/GennaBain/status/999785407087808512

I first heard of and watched TotalBiscuit (back then known as The Devil's Halibut) when someone posted a Youtube video of his on used games somewhere on the Escapist I believe. He was the one that first got me to take Youtube critics seriously. He's also the first one who got me to think twice on popular issues in gaming. How things may not always be what they seem. I've since watched many other critics with equally valid arguments and lists and so on, but I still liked TotalBiscuit a lot. I knew he had cancer and was going to scale everything down a ton, but I didn't think he would pass this soon. It sucks... It really does.

Blade Runner said:
It's a shame she won't live. But then again, who does?
May you be remembered, John.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
R.I.P TotalBiscuit.

I can't remember how I first got to know about him, though it was most likely a post or video on the 'Pist.
I really enjoyed his 'WTF is' videos.

I unsubscribed for Gamergate reasons that I can't quite remember.
Something about him defending another person during a ..convention?.. in a bad way.
Seems a bit silly now though.

I will always remember his 'WTF is One Finger Death Punch' with fondness and mirth.
Thanks for being a great PC proponent.


Sanctuary legend
I started following him after someone on the Escapist recommended I watched the Let's Play of Terraria he did with Jesse Cox, I then went back and watched every episode of what was then known as The GameStation Podcast and though I stopped watching Co-Optional around the end of last year, mostly because they are very long videos and I haven't felt like watching something so long, but I still loved them, it's a shame to see him go.


Not the first time I have seen a youtuber pass away due to Cancer, and this guy I know was 26 years old:


Still, RIP none the less.