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Playable Pokemon Red in Minecraft Without Mods


Staff member
bluegate said:
Impressive, most impressive :eek:

But I'm more a blue kinda guy, so *hits dislike* :lapastada:
Funnily enough, all he has to do is just switch around which pokemon are available and the title text and boom. Pokemon Blue.


Staff member
Chimpzy said:
Nice. Hope Nintendo don't find out. They tend not to like this kind of stuff.
Way too late for them to do anything about it. The map files are out there now.


Chimpzy said:
Arnox said:
Way too late for them to do anything about it. The map files are out there now.
Baller, their stance on fan-projects always irks me.
For what it's worth, it seems to be bit more lenient when it comes to Pokemon than when it come to their other flagship IPs. Pokemon has a pretty active romhacking scene, as well as quite a few fangames, mostly made in RPG maker and Nintendo seems to be turning a bling eye to them. Wish the same could be said for franchises like Metroid. It's a shame they had that Metroid 2 Remake taken down, it was a pretty good game.


Sanctuary legend
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Chimpzy said:
Baller, their stance on fan-projects always irks me.
For what it's worth, it seems to be bit more lenient when it comes to Pokemon than when it come to their other flagship IPs. Pokemon has a pretty active romhacking scene, as well as quite a few fangames, mostly made in RPG maker and Nintendo seems to be turning a bling eye to them. Wish the same could be said for franchises like Metroid. It's a shame they had that Metroid 2 Remake taken down, it was a pretty good game.
Don't know about that, articles about a Pokemon fan project being shut down seem to pop up every now and then. Pokemon Uranium & Pokemon Prism, for example.


PsychedelicDiamond said:
It's a shame they had that Metroid 2 Remake taken down, it was a pretty good game.
AM2R managed to slip past Big N's baneful gaze long enough to be finished and released online though, so it'll be there for anyone willing to look. It's not hard to find.

Look, I get why Nintendo feels the need the defend their brands and lawyer up to strike down unlicensed projects. There is a sense to it, intellectual property rights being what they are. I just think there are smarter ways to go about it. Sure, you can come down hard fangames and their devs, or you can leverage them to your advantage.

Like what Sega did with the romhackers that would eventually go on to make Sonic Mania. I mean, we're talking fucking Sega here. Their history post 16bit era is one long list of confuzzling decisions. But they did get this.