• For our 10th anniversary on May 9th, 2024, we will be giving out 15 GB of free, off-shore, DMCA-resistant file storage per user, and very possibly, public video hosting! For more details, check a look at our roadmap here.

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Our forum software may be even better than I thought...


Staff member
I was thinking about getting a XenForo license in the future, but I've just combed through a bunch of forum software, both free and paid, testing them out, looking at reviews, looking at their respective documentation, and I've come to the conclusion that SMF may actually be able to serve all our needs.

The biggest thing SMF is missing is a Content Management System (think the Escapist with the videos and articles and etc.), but even that is mostly implemented through any of the Portal mods for SMF, which I currently have installed. And we use a third-party video uploading service for our videos. All in all, we could be using SMF for a lot longer than I thought.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
It feels good when you make a snap choice, or were railroaded into the decision, only to find out it was the best option from the beginning.


SMF has a good thing going for it: search with parameters in the URL. This way one can configure a keyword and search directly from the address bar.

XenForo does not, as far as I know, which is kinda of a pain, as the user has to first visit the search page, then do the search.


Staff member
andersonnnunes said:
SMF has a good thing going for it: search with parameters in the URL. This way one can configure a keyword and search directly from the address bar.

XenForo does not, as far as I know, which is kinda of a pain, as the user has to first visit the search page, then do the search.
Sounds like a security issue for SMF honestly. lol

People can just run a bunch of queries on command to choke up the server. Thoouggghh... That's actually a pretty basic DDoS attack and something tells me SMF has already long since found a way to halt that.


Arnox said:
...this stuff is super cheap, super nasty, and, unfortunately, super effective...

Another reason to love RSS (and any async method of communication): if a site is down because of an ongoing attack, I don't waste time and get disappointed every time I try to access it. When it is back up, as eventually it will be, life goes on as normal.


Staff member
andersonnnunes said:
Arnox said:
...this stuff is super cheap, super nasty, and, unfortunately, super effective...

Another reason to love RSS (and any async method of communication): if a site is down because of an ongoing attack, I don't waste time and get disappointed every time I try to access it. When it is back up, as eventually it will be, life goes on as normal.
EDIT: Yeah, it looks like SMF already has a time-gated search. One user can't search again until after x seconds have passed, where x is an amount specified by the admin.