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News Site 'Fandom Post' is Seeking Game Writers


Staff member
Cross-publish something you were already going to publish here?
This looks like a paid position and I doubt they're going to accept paying me to promote my own site in any way. XD Hell, even if it wasn't a paid position, they'd still see us as competitors I'm sure.

EDIT: Even further, they want news coverage, not commentary.


Staff member
They explicitly say it's a volunteer position:

"This position is a strictly voluntary role. There will be no financial compensation from this position."
Probably want you to do it for the "exposure".

Actually... Maybe they MIGHT let us advertise, though I can't do coverage alone. I would need people here to actively work with me in finding content to report on.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I'm not sure it's a good idea to be frank..
Only to maybe get that (unpaid, for us..ad-paid for them) "exposure".

Since the difference between news and commentary/opinion will come up;
I will say that we are also not in the habit of frequently reading modern popular gaming news.
We may be diverse in opinion and taste, but we do tend to go niche.
Arnox's old FPS's, Gauche's CCG's, My 4X, etc..

So..nah..Good find, but pass.^^


Arch Disciple
Tippy2k2's weekly game releases was legit good content back at the fan club. Most gaming news sites don't publish that info despite it qualifying as gaming news. Even game informer just does a giant list for the year and calls it a day. Coverage of the blatant sexism of male breast jiggle physics in video games be damned, just let me know whats out.