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Name the Minecraft Server!


Staff member
I've gotten a few suggestions from Gaijin and Vendor. At the moment, it's named Isolation, but it seems me and Vendor are the only ones who like the name. So beyond that, Sanctum seems to be the top contender so far. Vendor also proposed naming the server after a mythologized spiritual city such as Valhalla, Xibalba, Agartha, Shangri-La, or Atlantis.

There's also the meme names such as the Sanctuary Sex Dungeon, but I'm probably gonna veto all those. lol It better be a damn good meme if it's gonna make the cut.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
The Holodeck, we are playing in a simulation where we can replicate a vast majority of the aspects of life (albeit more advanced stuff would need mods of course) so it is similar to what we would be able to do in your regular Star Trek holodeck.


Staff member
The Holodeck, we are playing in a simulation where we can replicate a vast majority of the aspects of life (albeit more advanced stuff would need mods of course) so it is similar to what we would be able to do in your regular Star Trek holodeck.
I actually really like that name, but it's also not very "Sanctuaryish". Maybe for the upcoming UT2004 server? (Although I was playing with the idea of naming that one just "The Underground Server", much like underground bloodsport fighting. I will take suggestions and thoughts on that as well.)