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Medieval Times Weren't Complete Hell


Staff member

Came across this in my Youtube feed. Watching this, it honestly seems like the worst part of living in such times was honestly just everything medical. Which is still obviously awful in its own way, but there you go.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
There is a misconception in general that the middle ages were basically dark, depressing, extremely superstitious, and deadly. Hence why the early middle ages are called the Dark Ages. But this has more to do with it being called dark because the western Roman Empire fell, but they forget that the eastern one was still very much alive and continued as the Byzantine Empire later.


just everything medical.
The other day I read an excerpt saying that some on the clergy let parasites and other disgusting insects stay on their skin to exercise some supposed moral attitude. If that was the example set by the higher cast, I can't imagine that being a peasant was pleasant.

Yet, today, if people make an ad posing medics and priests against each other and suggesting medics are better, it gets smacked by the courts - happened in Italy. So I don't know if the world in general is any better than back then.