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I don't get the mask mandate


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Ttl:dr, government has mandated masks after the latest outbreak here (thats another post in itself), but it doesn't make sense.
Under our current level (because we get freedom levels, yay) If you leave your house you are, and I quote "Legally required to wear a face mask".
Okay, no problem. I don't like wearing a mask, but I'll do it. Ultimately it's not the biggest issue in my life so I'll play the role of good citizen for now.
But what I don't understand is why "children under 12", among others, are exempt from the masks?
Considering 319 (37%) cases of the latest outbreak are under the age of 19. Surely they should be the ones wearing masks to prevent the spread. It's not like covids going to be like "well I was going to infect you but you're under 12, so your good" Why does a 12 year old not need to wear one, but a 13 year old does?


Arch Disciple
Why does a 12 year old not need to wear one, but a 13 year old does?
I was gonna just say "ask your local governing bodies, not the internet" and be done with it but I couldn't find any info how the tier system was made
Jacinda Ardern just kinda implemented it one day

"The measures may be updated based on new scientific knowledge about COVID-19"

"well I was going to infect you but you're under 12, so your good"
Old scientific knowledge was thrown out the window


Sanctuary legend
I've heard that animals can get and spread covid, so maybe pets should be wearing masks and people should wear masks around pets.

Imagine getting infected via a service animal or from a dog park.


I guess the government saw that many people have no control over their children?

Really, I have no idea. Children can't get the vaccine and also don't need masks? Doesn't make sense. Maybe the government is hoping all the kids will get covid and get immunity that way.

Makes as much sense to me as shortening the hours a business can be open. With shorter business hours you are just making it so everybody needs to do their shopping at the same time and cramming more people together in a shorter time frame.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
It's about cognitive dissonance and flood of contradicting and confusing information.
Keeping people afraid and on edge. Easier to lead into more control.
Covid is basically like the flu. It really is, and comparing the different reactions to it only highlights the absurdity.


this whole thing is retarded.

nobody knows what the fuck they're doing anymore and no one seems to give a shit anymore.

by the way, obama made himself king of america.


Obama hasn't been relevant for years. lol
Only to those who aren't aware of his shadowy influence over backroom politics. Obama is the power behind the Oval Office!


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Obama isn't among the NWO cabal. He's their middle-man. Wouldn't preclude him from an advisory role though.