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Hurricane Party thread

Dale Gribble

So the jews have this giant machine that makes clouds and.... nah I'm just kidding. Are you guys getting hit by the hurricane? What's going on in your neck of the woods? Getting hammered with rain here, that's probably all well get.
Wait till the outages hit. Unless the infrastructure in your state is actually worth a damn.
Wait till the outages hit. Unless the infrastructure in your state is actually worth a damn.

It's not. Can count on being out of power for days. It's guaranteed a tree branch will down a power line somewhere. Probably some looting. We shall see.
Well I survived the night. Little flooding here and there, road washed out. Etc. Things to be expected. Still got power thankfully. Now we're supposed to get hit again in the early morning through tomorrow night. Stocked up on hurricane snacks, ps vita is charged. Should be fine.