• For our 10th anniversary on May 9th, 2024, we will be giving out 15 GB of free, off-shore, DMCA-resistant file storage per user, and very possibly, public video hosting! For more details, check a look at our roadmap here.

    Welcome to the edge of the civilized internet! All our official content can be found here. If you have any questions, try our FAQ here or see our video on why this site exists at all!

From your admin: Thank You


Staff member
I know we may not get much activity, but you guys that have been keeping this site going anyway, you da real MVP. Thank you for the threads and posts, even if it may not seem like much.

Also, an equal thank you as well for keeping infantile drama off the site and just having fun with it. It means a lot to me and it's refreshing. I'll try to keep making improvements to the site as needed, but besides perhaps some sub-forum restructuring, we already have something pretty decent going here. Not only that, I still don't think there is a single site out on the internet that offers what we do. If there is, I wanna hear about it. Otherwise, Sanctuary will continue to be here. Totse will probably never come back, but we can make our own memories. We can take that vision and move on.

This is why I started this site. Because I believe the internet needs this site. It can have Youtube, 4chan, Reddit, Facebook, Imgur, and etc., but we need to exist alongside them. Or else something needed is missing. Anyone should be able to come here and discuss things freely without some shitty ass reputation system. Without corporate interests. Without baseless lawsuits being chucked at them. Without having to wade through a truly toxic community cesspool. Without having to worry about overbearing moderation. Without having to worry about giving out our personal information. Without having to limit ourselves to 140 characters.

In the future, when this site starts hitting massive activity, I hope I won't even have to involve advertisements in keeping this site going. I don't think it will be a problem though, even if it will be a constant expense. And right now, server costs are amazing and very easy to maintain. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, again, thank you for your time.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
I was going to make a thread along these lines but from an opposite perspective. I jumped into a thread on The Escapist and the toxicity levels were unbearable after being here. No one could say nice things or remain consistent. I saw saelune say something like she cares about mental patients, but only ones on her side of the political spectrum. I was going to call her out but there's only a warning in it for me and it's not going to change her.


Arnox said:
I know we may not get much activity, but you guys that have been keeping this site going anyway, you da real MVP. Thank you for the threads and posts, even if it may not seem like much.

Also, an equal thank you as well for keeping infantile drama off the site and just having fun with it. It means a lot to me and it's refreshing. I'll try to keep making improvements to the site as needed, but besides perhaps some sub-forum restructuring, we already have something pretty decent going here. Not only that, I still don't think there is a single site out on the internet that offers what we do. If there is, I wanna hear about it. Otherwise, Sanctuary will continue to be here. Totse will probably never come back, but we can make our own memories. We can take that vision and move on.

This is why I started this site. Because I believe the internet needs this site. It can have Youtube, 4chan, Reddit, Facebook, Imgur, and etc., but we need to exist alongside them. Or else something needed is missing. Anyone should be able to come here and discuss things freely without some shitty ass reputation system. Without corporate interests. Without baseless lawsuits being chucked at them. Without having to wade through a truly toxic community cesspool. Without having to worry about overbearing moderation. Without having to worry about giving out our personal information. Without having to limit ourselves to 140 characters.

In the future, when this site starts hitting massive activity, I hope I won't even have to involve advertisements in keeping this site going. I don't think it will be a problem though, even if it will be a constant expense. And right now, server costs are amazing and very easy to maintain. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, again, thank you for your time.

thats cute