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Extra Credits in Trouble again!


Sanctuary legend
So, after a harassment scandal last year, Extra Credits has decided they'd like to take their Shitstorm in a different direction this year.

I present to you

People are kinda peeved at the argument being made.

Personally, I find the argument outright childish.


Staff member
What does it even mean to stand against Gamergate? Are they standing against harassment? Why don't they just say that then?


Sanctuary legend
What does it even mean to stand against Gamergate?
It can mean all sorts of things, I suggest you open up a Thread about it.

Are they standing against harassment?
Yes, they were standing against some harassment, but though many people on both sides of said conflict would gladly have you believe it, any people who were conceptually against harassment and somehow got mixed into the (about entirely different things) GamerGate discussions were few and far between.

Why don't they just say that then?
They do, but since "harassment" talk is more about creating a meta-narative around the original contentious issue, it will only go so and so far in achieving the true goal. Harassment talk is about attacking the character of your dissenters, it's trying to win the "Debate" by subverting the "Debate".

The Video starts out bad and gets worse over time. They made poor arguments for a dumb proposal. Since they find themselves rightfully criticized and mocked for it, they have to appeal to emotion by representing the dissent as harassment and putting themselves in the Role of the Martyr, this in turns is done in hope's of galvanizing support without regard for the WHY because no amount of being wrong justifies Death/Rape Threats (and we've been ignoring the impotence of such threats for a few years now, so there's that).


Sanctuary legend
What gets me about all this idiocy is how they always try and claim "nuh-uh, we didn't actually say that playing video games will make you a Nazi!"

Even if one was to entertain their Thompsonesque delusions... ok, so it normalizes Nazis. Fine.

So what, pray tell, is the end result of this normalization that concerns you so?


Sanctuary legend
What gets me about all this idiocy is how they always try and claim "nuh-uh, we didn't actually say that playing video games will make you a Nazi!"

Even if one was to entertain their Thompsonesque delusions... ok, so it normalizes Nazis. Fine.

So what, pray tell, is the end result of this normalization that concerns you so?
That and the childish nature of the Video leads me to believe that there was no straight forward goal here. Surely they too realize the infantilizing nature of their arguments and that no Dev that matters will be taking them up on their suggestions. Not to mention that they are self-defeating when they start bringing up opting in. Wouldn't THAT under their logic be a way to "openly signal" affiliation, wouldn't that make games with such a system makeshift recruiting tools?

Even with my general expectations, this is spectacularly poorly thought out. That's why I personally think it was pretty much just virtue signaling that Nazis are bad.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
7 hours? That's a full-time job.
So I got past the part where they talk about the EC video. Took them about 2.5 hours. The next part they review a bunch of fan memes. I haven't watched the last 30 or so episodes, so they were all lost on me. Some serious talent went into making some of them though.